Read the stickies on this page:
It's a Subaru-centric site but the stickies there generally apply to all types of cars and are an excellent resource for first-time rallycrossers.
One of the advantages of pre-registering is knowing what numbers you can use. I print mine out, and put them on the inside of the rear door windows. If you use tape, the easy thing is to add a one to the front or rear of the first drivers number to get the second driver's number (76 and 176, for example). That way, you can use a line of tape to change the number back and forth.
We usually do three lines of cars in grid, two single driver rows (lets call them rows 1 and 2), and one two driver car row (call it row 3). Let an entire row go at once, then move on to another row. Keeps people from having to constantly move their cars in grid - the only time they need to be moving is when it's their rows turn. The easy way to keep runs synced is to go in this order: 1,3,2,3.
We just have one giant faced-out row with cars side-by-side. Dual driver car is staged in position where the first driver is seeded (based on season points). Second driver (the one with lower season points) just gets in as soon as that car gets back and goes. Then the first driver goes again back in sequence. Our run groups usually have 20-30 total drivers
So if you show up and you are the only SR car there you "auto win" right? And if that continues on, do you "auto advance" to regionals? How does this work?
10/20/16 1:25 a.m.
Regionals are what you nornmally go to.
There is no seeding system. People have gone to the National Championship as the first time they've ever been to a rallycross before.
For numbers, I just draw them onto the rear side windows (tinted) on the Jeep with one of those window paint markers they use for dial-ins at a drag strip.
10/20/16 6:51 a.m.
Knurled wrote:
Import only, no cheap swill or overhopped hipster beer.
I will gladly dispose of any overhopped hipster beer that is brought.
10/20/16 6:52 a.m.
Knurled wrote:
To be honest I don't know if this weekend's event is OVR or WOR. Both regions use the same site, and it's generally the same people showing up too...
It's WOR (at Opie's), OVR is done for the year. I just need to finish publishing all the results online.
10/20/16 12:21 p.m.
In reply to EvanB:
Really? It's at Opie's? Somehow I thought the e-mail said it was at Bitzer's.
THAT would have been awkward.
10/21/16 7:37 a.m.
Unfortunately it may be pushed out another week. With all the rain this week the site is very soggy and it is not fun in the mud. They are going to announce today for sure if it is postponed or still on for tomorrow.
10/21/16 7:58 a.m.
Yeah it was still raining last night and kept raining all night, I will be highly surprised if Opie says "ah berkeley it let's go"
10/21/16 8:11 a.m.
At first I was thinking that would be awesome because I'll be back in town next weekend.
And then I remembered my wife is in a wedding in Iowa so I'm solo with the kids and they have soccer and basketball on Saturday. Harumpf.
EvanB wrote:
Unfortunately it may be pushed out another week. With all the rain this week the site is very soggy and it is not fun in the mud. They are going to announce today for sure if it is postponed or still on for tomorrow.
Where does a person go to see these announcements?
In reply to gearheadmb:
Here's a link to the event page:
Unfortunately, I'll miss this one if it gets postponed, but that's life. I should be able to be at the December event.
10/21/16 9:32 a.m.
gearheadmb wrote:
EvanB wrote:
Unfortunately it may be pushed out another week. With all the rain this week the site is very soggy and it is not fun in the mud. They are going to announce today for sure if it is postponed or still on for tomorrow.
Where does a person go to see these announcements?
Announcements are usually only on facebook. If it does get postponed an email will go out to everyone registered with options to move your registration to the next event or get a credit/refund if you can't make it.
Just got postponed. I'll miss this one due to a prior engagement, but hope to see everyone at the event in December.
10/21/16 3:21 p.m.
gearheadmb wrote:
EvanB wrote:
Unfortunately it may be pushed out another week. With all the rain this week the site is very soggy and it is not fun in the mud. They are going to announce today for sure if it is postponed or still on for tomorrow.
Where does a person go to see these announcements?
Just in case, they made it official a few minutes ago... Moved to next Saturday. EDIT: Jinx.
10/30/16 10:28 a.m.
gearheadmb wrote:
So my car guy buddy and I are going to do our first rallycross this weekend.
So: You guys have a good time or what? 
In reply to knurled; Holy E36 M3 dude that was so fun. So that was you in the rx7? I saw the dork sticker and thought about coming over and seeing who you were but I figured I'd leave you alone. I met Evan, were there any other regulars there?
Me and Andy had a great time. I'm really glad we finally did it. We are definitely coming back. Andy already ordered us a set of shocks and struts for the regretta so we quit bouncing around like an old caprice classic.
If anybody is considering doing a rallycross, go do it. Im pretty sure i was slowest driver in the slowest car, and I had I never stopped smiling.
10/31/16 8:24 a.m.
In reply to gearheadmb:
I was in Subarust, the blue 2.5RS with the green vinyl. Firm believer if you can't be fast, you should look good...
You were in the Berreta? I worked corner 1, by the lake. We were wondering if there were any form of shocks in the back. 
In reply to Jerry:
Its a Beretta. Rear shocks don't last long on a car that pulls that much ass.
But seriously, I'm pretty sure those are the originals. We didn't want to put any money in the car until we ran an event and knew we liked it. We decided that we wouldn't put much into the car because we would rather invest it in a better vehicle that is better suited for this. We will be looking for good deals on a race seat and harness, but we figured those would be transferrable to the better car we will eventually pickup. Until then we are going to beat the Beretta mercilessly and love every minute of it.
10/31/16 7:03 p.m.
gearheadmb wrote:
In reply to knurled; Holy E36 M3 dude that was so fun. So that was you in the rx7? I saw the dork sticker and thought about coming over and seeing who you were but I figured I'd leave you alone. I met Evan, were there any other regulars there?
Me and Andy had a great time. I'm really glad we finally did it. We are definitely coming back. Andy already ordered us a set of shocks and struts for the regretta so we quit bouncing around like an old caprice classic.
If anybody is considering doing a rallycross, go do it. Im pretty sure i was slowest driver in the slowest car, and I had I never stopped smiling.
Yah, that was me and Lumpy. Lumpy hasn't been out to play for a long time and it felt good. Well, shredding 3rd gear synchro when it popped out of gear going down the hill in the morning kinda sucked, but I didn't find out about that until I was downshifting for a corner on the Turnpike and didn't double clutch it for the first time all drive home...
So I just kept it in 2nd the rest of the day! Was seeing 9500 before braking into the corner at the bottom of the hill, the couple times I bothered to look...
This weekend was one of the roughest rallycrosses I've been to. Awesome that you had a good time regardless!
I think I was grinning like an idiot for a month the first rallycross I went to, and I only spectated and rode in a car for one run 
10/31/16 7:16 p.m.
For what it's worth:
Adam's in-car (I'm going to start calling him Mr. Momentum)
My last three runs (WOW my GoPro is scratched all to hell)
Wait a minute. You have blown rear shocks on the Beretta? Please tell me you've gone out and done a reverse wheelie. I regret never doing that when I owned my Corsica.