I have built a JD Garage CNC plasma cutter, and am about ready to try my first cut.
I had foolishly bought v1.0 plans that use an Arduino Uno, which I apparently smoked trying to flash it.
I bought v2.0 plans so I could move to ESP32 boards, of which I bought two ESP32-WROOM-32D boards because I was feeling extra lucky. After quite a challenge in troubleshooting where it appears somehow both boards magically dropped a valid ground pin. One I flashed for WiFi which works, and one I flashed for Bluetooth which cannot connect. I have the Wifi one connecting and moving, but....
JD Garage says I should have bought a ESP32-WROOM-32U board. So, feeling lucky, I ordered two.
They arrived today, and while I can get the computer to recognize a "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)" exists, I cannot get OpenBuilds-CONTROL to connect so I can flash the firmware.
I am a pretty big noob at this, but nothing has changed from the previous ESP32 flashing I did just this week. Is there a magic button or procedure I'm missing?
"Help me GRM, you're my only hope." (grin)