I have a minor one in my suby turbo, just went over all the hoses and checked clamps. Any brittle rubber has been replaced and the engine is newly rebuilt. Idle is just a hair low, what do you recommend spraying at clamps and such to see if there is a leak? I have starting fluid but not real comfortable spritzing it all over the motor. Heard water works but never tried it. So what have you all used that didn't start a fire but changed idle RPM?
Propane. Use an unlit propane torch, with a hose stuck on the end so that you can direct it.
I used to use one with a piece of brake line on the hose so I had a Wand of Fueling to really pinpoint leaks.
If the idle is low, it's probably not a vacuum leak, if the engine is in fuel control (running closed loop). You'll see the fuel trims change, you won't see a change in idle speed, unless it is a severe single cylinder vacuum leak where adding fuel will make a misfire go away.
As it turns out idle is a computer set function and all I need to do is disconnect the battery and go thru a process to re learn.