6/22/11 8:06 p.m.
Heh - and I'm just getting settled in Mass. Then again, I'm not entirely unpacked. Don't know anything about CO, but pondering...
Too bad I am 5 years away from being able to make a move. Even the wife likes the idea of it.
Just for kicks and grins, could I afford a crummy apartment & living expenses on what the position would pay?
Maroon92 wrote:
GRM wisdom prevails again. I made the call today at lunch. I figure if I don't at least try, I will always be wondering "what if". Now I just have to cross my fingers, and hopefully pull my winter coat out of storage...
berkeleyin' Ay! the GRM wisdom is strong.
6/23/11 1:01 a.m.
If I wasn't going back to school this fall I would be SO there. :(
I also made the call today. This is after I told the wife last night that I would be a nice guy and not move her most of the way across the country... She said that I was stupid, and that she will follow me to a dream job. Gotta love her!
Man, I am kinda depressed. That job would have been great...

Times aren't right. Good luck Mistanfo.
Thanks. Got the resume and cover letter sent in just now. Had to finish a class and lab first. Working on my Miata will have to wait, but hopefully there will be time for that sort of thing soon enough... Now to go outside and figure out some non-functioning headlights.
6/24/11 8:44 p.m.
I have decided to give it a shot and throw my hat into the ring. I hope it isn't too late by the time I call and fax my resume on Monday.
I have dreamed of working at Flyin' Miata since I bought a Miata almost 6 years ago. If I don't try for the job I know I will regret it.