So tell me a bit more about this registration tax. If I'm reading it right, if I'm bringing vehicles in from out of state and registering them, I have to pay 6.75% of their value in taxes? What method do they use to value the vehicle?
Time to keep thinning the herd I guess....I really don't want to sell my Miata, but between the cost of transporting it, fixing the rear suspension and now this tax, it may not be worth it.

New Reader
6/6/14 7:09 a.m.
You will have to pay the tax value on what they think the car is worth. Horror story - a buddy got a TR8 parts car that he wants to restore. He went to get registered etc and was told the car was worth 8K and had to pay the tax on that amount - on a car that is going to be in a garage for an extended period of time. Crazy.
From the DMV.
You will have 30 days from the date you become a resident to register your vehicle with the Georgia Motor Vehicle Division (MVD).
Before you can complete your motor vehicle registration, you must:
Purchase auto insurance that meets GA state standards.
Get a Georgia driver’s license.
Complete a vehicle inspection, if required (see “Vehicle Inspections” below).
You must apply to title your vehicle when you register it as well, which means you’ll need to bring your proof of ownership, such as:
Your out-of-state title or lienholder information, if your title has a lien.
Your current registration certification, if your previous state did not provide titles. Additionally, if your previous state/country did not provide titles, you must also provide a Certificate of Inspection (form T-22B) completed by a law enforcement officer or County Tag agent. See “Vehicle Inspections” below for details.
What county are you moving to? The below counties require proof of emissions check before you go to get it registered.
Paulding or Rockdale County.
Welcome to the world of Tax-a-chusetts. Been this way for ever with the DMV asigning the value a vehical is worth. Ten again just about every car I purchased was a $500 cars before they instituted the policy change.
6/6/14 7:15 a.m.
don't know about GA … but here we can appeal the assigned value of a vehicle
when I bought my beater Impreza, the NCDMV assigned a $3500 value to the car
it had hail damage, wreck damage (wrinkled body panels, bumpers held on with zip ties, rust, VERY bad paint). I got the form for the appeal, when to the local Suby dealership and they looked at it, and laughed … asked if I was ok with a $500 valuation, I said …yep
that is what the state taxed me on
GA now makes you pay a tax on their estimated value of your vehicle. Vehicle condition is not taken into consideration or purchase price in calculating the tax. The tax for a particular vehicle is the same regardless of the vehicle's condition. It can be a junker or a trailer queen, the tax is the same amount.
I was in for a surprise when I went to register a motorcycle that I had purchased on the cheap in non-running condition. The assessed tax came to 15% of my purchase price!
I'm moving into Paulding County, so we'll have to do the emissions thing. Are older cars exempt from emissions? My Miata is a 1990.
What is the tax rate? Is it 6.75% of value?
Looks like the only car I may bring to GA is my '06 Kia Sedona....
The only good part is that it is a one time tax, no more yearly ad valorem taxes. I had a choice on my truck as it was purchased during the changeover. I could have paid the one time $130+ tax or stayed with the yearly ad valorem. Since the ad valorem was only $1.20 a year, I stayed with it. Doubtful I will still have this truck in 10 years so I figured I would come out ahead.
Edit: the emissions testing is for 25 year old and newer cars. Looks like your Miata will be coming up on not having to test. Not sure if that will happen in 2015 or 2016, never can tell in Georgia.
wbjones wrote:
that sucks
QFT. my bill of sale meant nothing to them. Dealers wanted to even playing field, and dealers line the pockets of the expletives making the rules, so we get screwed. Merica.
Didn't help out either that quite a few peeps would lie about how much they paid for their car to lower the tax they paid (I "may" have done it). Thus the dealers had an easier time getting what they wanted passed.
6/6/14 9:45 a.m.
like i said … here you're charged a tax based on what the car is supposed to be worth, it doesn't matter how "much" we paid (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) …then of course we can appeal the tax rate … that, I think is a more fair way … of course we're also taxed each yr after that
For clarification, ga had always charged an ad vellore tax on registrations that followed the assigned value table. The change in the rules to charge the 6+% tax at registration/ titling eliminates the ad vellore yearly tax for that vehicle going forward.
And a 1990 will need an emissions check. The rule is 25 years old or older are exempt.
I wonder how long I have from the time I move until I have to re-register it in GA? If it's 60 days, I could drive my '90 Miata on my PA tag until the fall. Then park it until January 1st at which time it'll be 25 years old and I'll register it then.
So is the rate 6.75% of the cars' value?
You can go here and see how much the tax is for your car.
In reply to Klayfish:
I believe GA has a 30 day window.
Massachusetts has the same thing going on. They use the highest (fully restored) NADA valuation. I had to pay 6.25 percent of $49,000 to get my junk Porsche 356 titled. They offer no option. Pay up or leave.
i like ohio, i pay tax on the value of the car as noted on the title. The state values my station wagon at 10 grand via my wifes disability paper work. I think most states are high!
I leased a new Accord in January in GA. A tasty surprise was the new tax... on a lease... due based on full value (see link above, not "sticker") rather than pro-rated based on the lease term.
6/7/14 3:18 p.m.
Quasimo1 wrote:
GA now makes you pay a tax on their estimated value of your vehicle. Vehicle condition is not taken into consideration or purchase price in calculating the tax. The tax for a particular vehicle is the same regardless of the vehicle's condition. It can be a junker or a trailer queen, the tax is the same amount.
I was in for a surprise when I went to register a motorcycle that I had purchased on the cheap in non-running condition. The assessed tax came to 15% of my purchase price!
This is true, but incomplete.
While the state assesses the "value" based solely on their (inflated) schedule, it CAN be challenged.
When I bought the MINI, they assigned a value of $8500. I told them that was absurd. It's an '02, with 176,000 miles on it. The MOST is was worth was $5000, but only if it was in good running condition. I had dealer's estimates for necessary repairs that were over $4800. I paid $1500 for the car.
I appealed the assessment. It was annoying, and time consuming. I had to pay the tax on the full amount, then get reimbursed if they found in my favor.
It took nearly 6 months, but I eventually got a check from the state for a refund of about 70% of the tax I paid.
6/7/14 3:20 p.m.
BTW, it is a particularly terrible deal for people who flip cars, change vehicles frequently, or buy under valued vehicles or parts cars.
I am all of the above.
6/7/14 3:31 p.m.
if you buy a parts car, do you have to reg. it ?
6/8/14 12:21 p.m.
Klayfish wrote:
I wonder how long I have from the time I move until I have to re-register it in GA? If it's 60 days, I could drive my '90 Miata on my PA tag until the fall. Then park it until January 1st at which time it'll be 25 years old and I'll register it then.
So is the rate 6.75% of the cars' value?
Dude, according to the above link, you're paying $16 bucks in taxes. I'm in the same boat..