Despite not selling as hoped, Warren Mosler's Consulier GTP was, if nothing else, ambitious for its time.
In the not-so-distant past, we even had the opportunity to get to know Mosler.
Since that was before some Grassroots Motorsports staff members were even born, here's ou…
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If only his bodywork design team didn't only consist of a bar of Ivory soap and a pen knife... 
That's the difference between an engineer and a designer. He got some help with the Photon:

I dig the Consulier, partly because it seems obvious that they just didn't care about what the thing looked like. Making it pretty wouldn't have made it faster so they just didn't bother.
I feel like the legacy lives on in things like the Gumpert Apollo but man I would love to get some seat time in a Mosler if somebody wants to trade cars with me for a few ours.

This car is why companies like Bertone and Pininfarina exist.
I bought a raffle ticket for a Consulier years ago. Didn't win it but got a t-shirt.
Sort of like zora duntov it has been said he felt the purpose of the body was to keep rain off the engine etc.
I remember GRM bringing several of them to an autocross way back when. My memory is vague, that was a few decades ago.