My Dad and I have a 1980 FIAT 124Spider 2000 and the little quarter turn latch-deal that holds the little triangle a-pillar window closed fell off. It looks like it was glued originally, but we haven't been able to find an adhesive to get back on permanently. Any suggestions?
Rear view mirror adhesive should work. Clean and prep WELL.
The "hinges" on the Capri rear quarter windows glue on to the glass. I used a glass adhesive I found at Ace. (sorry, just looked for the tube and can't find it. I want to say it was Permatex). But the tip- I had to do it twice. First time I clamped the hinges to the glass. The adhesive failed as I was installing the windows. A friend told me clamping squeezed too much adhesive out, so I tried again after cleaning everything really well. This time I just pressed them into place and let them set up over night. Worked great!
Good luck,
10/5/10 8:41 a.m.
Send an email to Permatex and ask them. If the mirror adhesive isn't the right stuff to use, I'm sure they can tell you what is. I've always had good luck with their stuff.