My Saturn blew up spectacularly yesterday, so I'm in a time crunch for a new DD. I've looked into Miatas before, but I'm too slow a researcher to trust myself on this quick decision.
Optimally, I wanted a '96 with the 1.8 and torsen rear, but all of those are close to twice as much as his asking price, and nowhere near as clean looking. I think it might be worth settling for the cleaner, lower mileage, cheaper '90 this time around, especially for a DD. I'm not sure whether I should be concerned about the short nose crank for a DD...thoughts?
Any other opinons will be welcomed and appreciated. I'm driving a couple hours to go look at it after work.
From what I understand, the SNC issue isn't necessarily the death sentence its claimed to be. The biggest issue is that when any work is done on the timing belt, it needs to be done by someone who knows what they are doing. Botching the job can cause serious damage. As for the 1.6/1.8, Torsen/No torsen, for a daily driver, I wouldn't sweat the difference, nor would I pay a lot more for a 1.8 or a torsen. From what I understand, you might even get slightly better mileage from the 1.6. BTW - if you are pressed for time, go to the garage at, print out the buyer's guide and take it with you when you go to look at it. I've owned mine for a couple years now and learned quite a bit about them. Generally, they're great cars. The people that aren't happy with them are usually either too tall for them, or bought a rusty example. Good luck!
9/16/13 2:28 p.m.
I paid the same for less. 
DO IT!!!!
The rear drip channels get filled with crud, causing the water to drain into the lower body assembly. Gently rock the car back and forth and listen for water sloshing around within the structure of the car. Not a deal-breaker, but it could be hiding rust if there is water trapped.
It looks like a good deal as long as the suspension wasn't horribly butchered.
I am 6'4" and have driven one before, but it was tight! I expect to do a foamectomy, ebrake mod, maybe steering wheel. Fingers crossed that I fit!
That is a great candidate but at 6'4" might be tight for a DD. Don't forget the Mazda Protege - aka the FWD Miata.
I'm 6'2" and daily drove a 96 for 2 years. Eventually it got old, even with a hardtop and foamectomy. Liked the car, even loved it, but as a daily driver it just got old folding in and out of it.
Like this:
Focus too. Here's an SVT for 3,800
New Reader
9/16/13 3:17 p.m.
If the rear rocker panels are anything less than sound, walk away. You don't want to deal with this:

Tap that location firmly on both sides of the car. If it's textured, that's fine (rock guard on some years of the car). If it's bubbling, that's bad. If you can stick your finger into the car, RUN!
While replacement panels can be had from a certain Miata racer for $100, that says nothing about the rust underneath on the tub. Unless fabbing panels and welding is your forte, just walk away.
I paid $1500 to have the rusted rocker cut out, the rusted tub cut out, the tub fabbed, the new rocker patch welded on, for the panel to be repainted, and for both sides to be flooded with POR-15.
Salvage title on that SVT. Yea or nay?
dunno but you can find a regular ZX3 (2 door hatch) or ZX5 (4 door hatch) with a manual trans too
DaveEstey wrote:
I'm 6'2" and daily drove a 96 for 2 years. Eventually it got old, even with a hardtop and foamectomy. Liked the car, even loved it, but as a daily driver it just got old folding in and out of it.
If it is tolerable for the short term, I can always get something else, I guess.
Once you're in you're golden, it's just the getting in and out. Had a cab driver ask me how I could fit and the best answer was that I was young and dumb enough to try.
Granted the car only came up to just above my waist thanks to the coilovers, which made it seem even more improbable.
is that white miata really that good of a deal? knowing that cars always look better in pictures than in real life, that one doesn't even look very good in pictures.
The most concerning thing you've said so far is 6'4". I'm 6'2" and not really sure I'd consider a Miata if I was 2" taller. I'm about equal parts legs and torso. For the legs, I can just barely slide them under the wheel. (A smaller, aftermarket wheel would help here. For the life of me can't figure out why Mazda didn't put a tilt wheel in these things) Even with a mild foamechtomy, I know I need a haircut when my hair starts brushing the top. There are also sight line issues with the top bar of the windshield. (Removing the sun visors, which are useless anyways, helps a little) Adding an inch in legs and torso really might be a deal breaker. They are fun, though . . .
I'm 6'2", mostly in the legs, and I fit okay, but after 60k miles of year-round DD duty, it did get a little old. Foamectomy helps a bunch.
I have a 92, 90k miles, needs a little bodywork help, for sale in Columbia for a challenge friendly price. I got hit last summer and messed up the LF fender, hood, and nose. It can be driven as is, and I have the parts to fix it, but it needs a little love. It can be DD'ed as is (and I was doing that until recently, when I bought a Protege) . Also have some fun unistalled go-faster parts (including a full Torsen swap and Flyin Miata suspension) if you wanted those as well. PMme if you're interested.
Went to go look at it, came away somewhat disappointed. Found nothing wrong mechanically, and the engine bay was clean, but the whole car was painted in what looked like interior paint. I couldn't justify even 2k for a car painted like that, even though I could wrap it (I get 3M wrap for free). I think I made the right choice by moving on, but boy, that was disappointing.
Went to go look at it, came away somewhat disappointed. Found nothing wrong mechanically, and the engine bay was clean, but the whole car was painted in what looked like interior paint. I couldn't justify even 2k for a car painted like that, even though I could wrap it (I get 3M wrap for free). I think I made the right choice by moving on, but boy, that was disappointing.
Shocking! I have never heard of anyone on this forum going to look at a car and NOT dragging it home thinking they could fix it, use it for parts, use it for challenge material, or something. I salute your analytical skills and security in your manhood. I also question whether you are a good fit for this forum.
m_walker26 wrote:
Shocking! I have never heard of anyone on this forum going to look at a car and NOT dragging it home thinking they could fix it, use it for parts, use it for challenge material, or something. I salute your analytical skills and security in your manhood. I also question whether you are a good fit for this forum.
If it was not my future DD and only mode of transportation, you would be spot on. However, he pissed me off by listing the repairs he's done to try to justify the price. I don't care what you spent on the car, I care what it's WORTH.
My car had a rollbar, (bad) coilovers, wide aftermarket wheels, racing beat swaybar, and a few others goodies. It's beat to hell, but it was also $1,000 cheaper than the example you looked at.
I've seen many more NB Miatas that are clean for $3500-$4500.
PHeller wrote:
My car had a rollbar, (bad) coilovers, wide aftermarket wheels, racing beat swaybar, and a few others goodies. It's beat to hell, but it was also $1,000 cheaper than the example you looked at.
I've seen many more NB Miatas that are clean for $3500-$4500.
Are you thinking I should reconsider, or are you affirming my decision? It's a tough decision considering how mechanically sound it is. Usually there's a lot of little things wrong with other examples, and it's not like the paint is mint on most other Miatas anyway.
9/17/13 10:58 a.m.
There are plenty of fish in the sea. Just cram in as many other test drives as possible in the next week so that if you change your mind about the miata, it might still be there.
I'm 6'3" and most of that height is in my torso. I just drove my NA 11k miles in less than 3 months and I am not at all tired of the car. My knees do come close to the wheel but I can still pass my hand between my knee and the wheel. Most times I look at the traffic lights at the side of the street because I have to lean forward to see those that are mounted above the street.
I imagine if I did the foamectomy it would help.
When test driving several different cars, I did notice that those cars with newer tops never touched the top of my head, but cars with older tops tended to touch, fwiw.
I think these are great daily drivers even for a tall guy like me or you, but I'd recommend driving a few. That one looks pretty nice to me, but if you don't get the vibe, walk away, there are many out there.