I did a similar distributor mod for a Civic. In theory it should have been able to run with the single tooth and the 24 tooth. But scoping it out showed that for some reason (never determined) we could only get one clean signal. Getting the single tooth clean would sort of fire, but it had no good RPM and the injectors never hit, and getting the 24 tooth clean gave us a clean RPM but no TDC reference. As an act of desperation, I milled a tooth off of the 24 tooth wheel so that I only needed the one input. It was running within 30 minutes. I didn't want to do that, because I wanted a parts store distributor to be able to swap right on, but that's what got it running.
In reply to DILYSI Dave:
This is encouraging!!! Thats my reasoning too!
Turned out that the OE distributor still gave me fits downstream. The car suffered from ignition breakup past ~8200 RPM.
Phase 2 included a custom 36-1 crank wheel, eliminating the OE distributor all together, and using the LS2 Truck coils.
Went to modify the dizzy soon as I got home from work, and low & behold.... The drive gear broke, and the dowel pin is seized.... Now I have to wait 3 days to get a new dizzy from Ben :-/ LOVELY.
In reply to Caleb: Just came out of the shop with the MX-3 freakin purring!!!! Modded the dizzy, changed the wheel settings to 12-1, and discovered a bad #3 plugwire Now it runs great!!! Next will be to get the fuel and timing maps worked through and enjoy the E36 M3 out of it!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this, come to the $2013 to claim your case of a yummy malted beverage!!!
12/25/12 11:34 p.m.
I'm always happy to help, i would love to check out the car if i get the chance your in WV right?
Yes I live in the center of the state. Where are you?
12/27/12 12:37 a.m.
I'm in lynchburg va so 3 or 4 hours away lol
In reply to Caleb:
What do you see typically in the way of IAT temps???
dansxr2 wrote:
In reply to Caleb:
What do you see typically in the way of IAT temps???
ASSuming your sensor is good (Unfortunately, i've seen a couple of the GM sensors fail in Megasquirt applications. Of course, that could just be grounding issues.), and your intercooler setup is doing it's job, you shouldn't see MUCH above ambient.
I put a probe in mine this summer out of curiousity to see if my setup was efficient, and even under around 20psi of boost, it wasn't going much over 30-40F higher than ambient temps.
What are you getting? 
Last night it was ~30 degrees and they were 40-45 puttin around my neighborhood, hoping to get it inspected and legal in the next week or so ;-)
Its kinda hard to start on a cold start, can anyone shoot me info on how to set the CLT and IAT sensors to start easier in the cold?
Cold start isn't based on adjusting the CLT/IAT sensors, but the manual injector timing set in the crank/warmup settings. You have adjust these at the temperature indicated in the table to get the car to start easily. This requires lots of trial and error at the various temperatures in the table.
I think a rule of thumb is that if you have to press on the accelerator pedal while starting then you're too rich. Otherwise its adjusting 1ms at a time until it works.
Caleb, happen to have these values?
They vary wildly by setup and code versiin, unfortunately. In ms2/extra as ling as your reqfuel is right the base map is pretty good for most normal engines.
1/3/13 4:55 p.m.
My car never had great cold start because like everyone said its a royal pain to set up. and get perfect but i had some luck with this set up i found on diy autotune.