N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
1/3/14 5:02 p.m.

Every time I read the title, I keep wondering why you guys have to go commando while you update the site.

wlkelley3 SuperDork
1/3/14 9:21 p.m.

Hope you're not done yet. Below is what I see on my desktop through the GRM link, 1st is the home page & 2nd is forum page. What is legible is plain text and forum only shows latest post, not everything. I'm accessing through CM now. Love this site and understand upgrades. Even willing to learn new. But I can no longer see anything through the GRM link. I haven't checked access on my smartphone but that isn't my usual access device. Or am I doing something wrong? Different link than original?

<img src="" /> <img src="" />

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
1/3/14 9:24 p.m.

That we haven't seen yet. Well, we saw something similar when the site was booting up, but only while the servers were catching up. I hate to ask the usual question, but does clearing your caches help?

wlkelley3 SuperDork
1/3/14 9:49 p.m.

YAY!!!! That works! Thanks! Now that I can actually see the new site it looks good.

Alan Cesar
Alan Cesar Associate Editor
1/3/14 10:32 p.m.
SVreX wrote: Still a big issue on Iphone... There is a subscription popup window which floats into view annoyingly when scrolling, but never stays in view long enough to be legible.

Yep, we know about that issue with iOS. We're working on it. Glad the sidebar is working for you now.

fasted58 PowerDork
1/4/14 12:24 a.m.

How about a 'report canoe' button that's not too far out of reach so you don't have to scroll through threads to find it.

ZOO SuperDork
1/4/14 7:41 a.m.

I haven't been following the entire thread, so this may have been addressed. But I miss the quick links to the other discussion forums in each thread.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
1/4/14 8:40 a.m.

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon when I am deleting canoes. When a user has already been deleted (usually with the bomb icon) but there are other posts by that user that have to be deleted individually, I click the red "X" icon to delete those threads and I get a blank white page that just says "Broke".
LOL, how does the website know I'm broke?

alfadriver PowerDork
1/4/14 9:26 a.m.

Still having big problems with the site when I come in from grassrootsmotorsports.com- format is all wrong- assuming many pages of blank black isn't want you want us to see. And the actual forum format is wrong.

If I come in from the classic side, it works.

Curious, since using a similar format at work, it's fine. But I'm in Win7, IE9.

Just thought you should know.

dean1484 PowerDork
1/4/14 10:04 a.m.
Alan Cesar wrote: What buttons do you mean that you like so much?

The delete, edit, quote & reply buttons on the lower right of the post box. On the old setup they were split top and bottom. I even commented on it WAY back. There was some reason for it on the old board. I forget what it was. David told me. I like the way the new one has all the buttons together in the same place

z31maniac UltimaDork
1/4/14 5:42 p.m.
ZOO wrote: I haven't been following the entire thread, so this may have been addressed. But I miss the quick links to the other discussion forums in each thread.

PLEASE bring this back.

Having to navigate back through is forcing me to check fewer and fewer threads here.

ZOO SuperDork
1/4/14 5:50 p.m.
z31maniac wrote:
ZOO wrote: I haven't been following the entire thread, so this may have been addressed. But I miss the quick links to the other discussion forums in each thread.
PLEASE bring this back. Having to navigate back through is forcing me to check fewer and fewer threads here.

Me too. I am starting to wonder if there is a conspiracy to wean me off the forum.

Ransom UberDork
1/4/14 7:05 p.m.

Seems like I'm having a few instances of being notified twice for a single update on threads I'm following...

Ransom UberDork
1/4/14 7:33 p.m.

Where did our watchlist go? IIRC, it used to be with our profile, or somewhere around there...

I'm doubly-scared because I just added this thread to it in hopes that I'd get a clue as to where to find it afterward

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
1/4/14 8:26 p.m.

Ransom, when I click on your avatar it takes me to your profile with all your watched topics listed on the left hand side. You're watching a lot of stuff man.

Ransom UberDork
1/4/14 8:33 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo:

What can I say, I'm an interested party

But seriously, if I click your avatar, I see what you're watching. But if I click my own avatar, the same part of the page asks me if I want to Logout, Edit my profile, Change my password, Reset my password, or Add a car, but no viewing of my watched topics.

If I could find them, there are probably a few I could cull... But besides notifications, that's how I find threads I'll want to refer back to later.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
1/4/14 8:38 p.m.

Vewy interesting! I tried clicking on my own avatar and yep, no watchlist there. That's a funny glitch. I guess you'll have to log out and click your avatar to see what you are watching.

Gearheadotaku UberDork
1/4/14 9:40 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote: I have noticed an interesting phenomenon when I am deleting canoes. When a user has already been deleted (usually with the bomb icon) but there are other posts by that user that have to be deleted individually, I click the red "X" icon to delete those threads and I get a blank white page that just says "Broke". LOL, how does the website know I'm broke?

If you weren't broke, you'd be on Dupont list, not GRM!

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
1/4/14 9:59 p.m.


SVreX MegaDork
1/5/14 7:29 a.m.

Will there be a return of the "Your Posts" button?

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
1/5/14 7:36 a.m.

At the moment there is a "Your Posts" button, but it's only on the main forum page. The buttons at the top are: Latest Topics, Top Rated, New Topics, and Your Posts. I wish these buttons were at the top of every sub page.

Brotus7 HalfDork
1/5/14 7:50 a.m.

The # posts listed per thread appears to be +1 if there's at least one response.

alfadriver PowerDork
1/5/14 12:39 p.m.
alfadriver wrote: Still having big problems with the site when I come in from grassrootsmotorsports.com- format is all wrong- assuming many pages of blank black isn't want you want us to see. And the actual forum format is wrong. If I come in from the classic side, it works. Curious, since using a similar format at work, it's fine. But I'm in Win7, IE9. Just thought you should know.

So since the small problem that the entire web page does not appear to format correctly, nor does the forum, when entered from the grassroots side of the web pages appears not to be important enough to address??? You did the update on Tue/Wed, it's now Sunday, and is still totally incorrect.

I know it's cool to dis IE and Windows, but some of us still use that. Come on, fix it already. You are working on the little details of specific buttons, and the entire website is broken for my viewing.

J308 HalfDork
1/5/14 12:49 p.m.

Looks fine to me on IE8. Have you tried IE10 or 11?

vwcorvette Dork
1/5/14 2:23 p.m.
ZOO wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
ZOO wrote: I haven't been following the entire thread, so this may have been addressed. But I miss the quick links to the other discussion forums in each thread.
PLEASE bring this back. Having to navigate back through is forcing me to check fewer and fewer threads here.
Me too. I am starting to wonder if there is a conspiracy to wean me off the forum.


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