In working on replacing the head gasket on a friend's Ecoboost Escape over the last few weeks, I've ended up needing to pick up several sets of rather specialized tools- one (GDI injector seal tool kit) that I can see possibly having a use for again in the future but the other (timing tool set for 1.5/1.6 Ecoboost) is something that I will be very surprised if I ever have a use for again.
But in thinking about these and several other very specialized tools that I've ended up with over the years (like the ones for my former FC's 13B engine) I figured that there are probably lots of other GRMers near and far that also likely have specialized tools sitting around gathering dust/oil film in their garage. And at the same time there are also probably others who are finding themselves in need of those same specialized tools and cursing having to buy them when they know they'll probably use them rarely if ever after finishing what they initially need them for.
So my thought was- why don't we put together a library/database of specialized tools that GRMers have and are willing to let other GRMers borrow? Someone in need of a tool could look and see if it was in the library and then contact whomever has the tool to arrange picking it up/having it sent to them and whether they'd want it returned afterward or if the borrower should just hold on to it (and update the library) for the next person who has a need for it?
I will up front say that I know I am NOT the person who should be setting this up- I don't know the first thing about how to go about setting up something like this, but I also figured that if there was enough interest that someone here probably has the skills/knowledge to set it up.
That's an intriguing concept. Good databases do require maintenance, though. For the time being, maybe a thread with folks sharing the specific tools they have?
I have a SunRingle SRC Drive Ring Tool - if you ever blow up the drive ring on your SunRingle SRC hub.
This thread might as well be a GRM tool database. Just post what you have and can loan out.
I'm afraid the only tool I have to share is a long weight.
J.A. Ackley said:
That's an intriguing concept. Good databases do require maintenance, though. For the time being, maybe a thread with folks sharing the specific tools they have?
Using this thread is probably a decent place to start- I was thinking that perhaps something like the On-The Road Assist map/list would probably work, but it could be something like a shared Google Sheet too.
For the moment if we're going to use the thread people should list where they (and the tool/tools) are as well as what the tool is (including if it's for certain engines/vehicles) and, if possible/available a link to the description of the tool.
So, to start off:
Myself and these tools are located in Lexington, Kentucky (north side of town):
- Daydoor timing/camshaft/crankshaft locking took kit for 1.5L & 1.6L Ford Ecoboost engines. Pretty much everything you need in the way of the specialty tools to pull the heads off the relevant engines and set the timing properly when you reassemble it.
- Lisle 34720 8 pc. Injector Seal Install Kit. Used to replace booth the teflon lower seal and upper split & O-ring seal on a number of brands of direct-injection fuel injectors including for the Ford Ecoboost engines. Says it works for other Ford, GM, and Subaru engines that use Hitachi, Bosch, and Continental injectors.
- Flywheel locking tool for Mazda 13B rotary engines. Works for at least non-turbo 13B's (may work on the turbo engines too, but they may also use a different diameter flywheel). Unknown if it works on Renesis engines.
Those are the very specific ones I remember off the top of my head- I know I have a lot more specialized stuff, but don't want to try and remember and write it up from memory so I'll make a list when I (hopefully) go through and clean/organize my garage over the next few weeks.
3/13/25 12:31 p.m.
The only remotely unusual tools in my inventory I can think of are a Saab 900 clutch spacer tool (the one that you can easily replicate with stiff wire) and a homemade (and it looks it) rig for depressing the rocker arms to get the cam out of a BMW M10 cylinder head. If anyone needs either one I'm happy to share.
If anyone has the timing tools for a Volvo whiteblock and is willing to send them, I'm all ears, as I'll have to do the timing belt on my V50 this summer.
I have a LS cam bearing driver tool that's about the only specialty tool I can think of offhand.
I have a couple of specialty tools:
LN Engineering Porsche IMS Tool kit. I've been meaning to put this up for sale, but for now, I still have it.
Lisle spark plug removal kit for Ford modular 3V engines.
Camshaft locking tool for various Volvos.
Supercharger pulley R&R tool. 30 or so blow mold cases with special tools in them that I have not labeled.