Or, what did you do in the garage this weekend?
My post would be called "Things I did TO my garage this weekend"
Garage doors are heavy...luckily, scientists of long ago devised equipment to help ease the burden of accessing the sacred space known as car bedrooms...

but, what is this?!?! oh noes...what happen? someone set up us the bomb...
hold fast, hope is not all lost! There is but one among those who live at my house, with the testicular fortitude, and lack of common sense enough to tackle such a dilemma as this, armed with nothing more than standard box wrenches and teh youtubez

VICTORY IS MINE!!!! this calls for a celebration! To the victors, go the spoils
It is easy to see why nearly every published piece of information regarding garage door spring removal and installation states in no uncertain terms that these springs can kill people. I had to turn that spring about 6 1/2 times, or 26 quarter turns with the bars that twist the cones...after about 20 turns your arms are burning, and you have to stop, and allow the bar to rest against the door. After about 5 minutes or so, you go to pull that bar back up, and you begin to think about the stories of those bars slipping out of peoples grasp, and splitting their skull, or removing an appendage. Those last 6 turns are more sphincter puckering than realizing youre coming into turn one after a quarter mile straight waaaay too hot and with not nearly enough angle.
what did you do in the garage this weekend?
I longingly stared at my car and at the pile of parts waiting to get installed because I'm a wimp and it's cold outside.
I dragged the Jensenator out, hauled it to an AX, won my class, then stuck it back inside.
Not really 'in the garage', but late Thursday night discovered there was a clog in the sewer line behind casa del Curmudgeon.
Being the cheapskate I am, I dropped all the toilet lids, drilled a 3/8" hole in the cleanout cap, then stuck my blowgun in the hole, covered my face and shot 135 PSI air in for about 3 seconds. Clog gone. 
i worked on brakes on the neon RT, put some more back together on the firebird, and cleaned almost 50 years worth of mouse droppings, sand, dirt, leaves, ant hills, and wasp nests out of the 64. also went to the junkyard for elky parts and neon parts with my useless rother in alw and a 101 fever. as well as sold my truck.
What is a garage? 
After that, no money equals doing nothing, which I don't do well enough according to the SWMBO.....
Wept over my burbon on the rocks.
Garage is 3 hours away.
Desperatly want my own place down here with a garage, but with houses starting at $280k and most at that price not having a garage...
2/12/13 11:07 a.m.
Yup, that'll make the grass roots grow. ^
2/12/13 11:09 a.m.
Woody wrote:
That's Grassroots.^
If it is, they'll just grow back, and probably damage the pipe, requiring more than a blast from an air hose to permanently fix...

2/12/13 11:10 a.m.
Also, to the OP, I doff my cap. When the time comes to improve my garage door situation, I fully intend to pay someone else to risk their skull. I will console myself with the notion that they have some idea what they're doing and will probably not kill themselves.
I may also have a beer to keep calm.
That winter abbey ale is pretty damned good too...I enjoyed more than one in my garage this weekend
I put camber plates on the bmw without killing myself with the compressors like my dad told me I would. Also fabbed up a passenger seat bracket, welded it, and installed it. The last bit of baby-poo modena interior is now removed from the car.
It was a good weekend.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
One of mine broke yesterday, want to come over and do it again?
I've wrestled with those before, as a younger and more foolish man.
Miraculously, I still have all of my digits.
Call a guy, and pay him whatever it takes to fix it (have camcorder handy).
yea.. garage door springs are definatly bombs waiting to go off.
The only doors that scared me more where at the old boat works building the company I used to work for rented. 20foot high wood and glass doors with counterweights that worked on a pulley system. Door rolled up.. weights came down. They were a LOT of weights
my spring broke last Christmas - I think the guy charged me less than $150 to replace 2 springs with heavier units - he also mentioned that he replaces them in pairs - when one goes, usually the other goes shortly afterwards (or at least I bought that line from him)
this is what I use......

Let's see...
Friday. Steve and I pulled a 4.8 Chevy from a rolled over truck using a come along and a tree branch in an hour. Motor ECU and all for $150.
Saturday. I cut out some sheet metal of a volvo that is going to scrap then helped Alan pull the motor out of the WRX project. (In reality I drank beer and tugged on a few things.)
Sunday. Rob, Steve and I put a 5.0/T5 in Rob's 68 Mustang and started figuring out a trans mount.
Monday. Helped the wife and neighbors wife build up a raised garden bed.
Tuesday. Got called out at 6am for a Semi accident that had closed the FL Turnpike. Started to try figuring out the wiring on the 68 Mustang.
2/13/13 6:14 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
but, what is this?!?! oh noes...what happen? someone set up us the bomb...
Good thread. Would read again. 
The only garage I played in was the one on Forza 4....
4cylndrfury wrote:
Or, what did you do in the garage this weekend?
My post would be called "Things I did TO my garage this weekend"
Garage doors are heavy...luckily, scientists of long ago devised equipment to help ease the burden of accessing the sacred space known as car bedrooms...
but, what is this?!?! oh noes...what happen? someone set up us the bomb...
hold fast, hope is not all lost! There is but one among those who live at my house, with the testicular fortitude, and lack of common sense enough to tackle such a dilemma as this, armed with nothing more than standard box wrenches and teh youtubez
VICTORY IS MINE!!!! this calls for a celebration! To the victors, go the spoils
It is easy to see why nearly every published piece of information regarding garage door spring removal and installation states in no uncertain terms that these springs can kill people. I had to turn that spring about 6 1/2 times, or 26 quarter turns with the bars that twist the cones...after about 20 turns your arms are burning, and you have to stop, and allow the bar to rest against the door. After about 5 minutes or so, you go to pull that bar back up, and you begin to think about the stories of those bars slipping out of peoples grasp, and splitting their skull, or removing an appendage. Those last 6 turns are more sphincter puckering than realizing youre coming into turn one after a quarter mile straight waaaay too hot and with not nearly enough angle.
what did you do in the garage this weekend?
I dont have a garage, but I can testify as to how "fun" garage door installs and repair can be. I worked at a company that built and installed commercial garage doors, among other things. I did more manufacturing and warehouse stuff, but being in the field for a week was enough to let me know that I didnt want to do it again. I was very happy to leave there.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
want to come over and do it again?
not even a little bit....
kinda like that Russian truck driver who kinda front flipped out of the cab of his truck as it disintegrated during a head on impact with another truck, landed on his feet, and walked away like a boss.

Yeah, youre a big badass, Mr. truck driver guy, I bow down to thee...but lets see you do that again lol
Datsun310Guy wrote:
my spring broke last Christmas - I think the guy charged me less than $150 to replace 2 springs with heavier units - he also mentioned that he replaces them in pairs - when one goes, usually the other goes shortly afterwards (or at least I bought that line from him)
this is what I use......
Yeah, did this summer before last. Prices were closer to $400 in these parts of the woods.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
I already have a guy lined up to do it, but you can come over and drink with me as he does the hard part.