Humans like to label things. Not saying it's right, but it's what we do.
This quote is the attitude that needs adjusting with many people:
But don't try to force you personal living habits into the open and then insist that everyone else is suppose to embrace you and your habits. I don't come to car events or an public event and parade around demonstrating my particular habits with my wife. I come to car events to enjoy cars not living habits. You should do the same and you can enjoy the cars as much as anyone.
It is tremendously sad that when some people think "LGBT" their mind immediately goes to sex and nothing more substantial. Yes, we have sex like you have sex with your wife. Get over it. We also have jobs, get married, have kids, buy homes, work on project cars, etc.
If we're looking for car events to be more inclusive, it's because we want to show up with our boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends and wives JUST LIKE YOU DO and have people treat us the exact same way that you expect to be treated. This is in no way "forcing personal living habits" on anyone. This is simply me being me much as you are being you. When you show up to Cars & Coffee with your wife, does my mind immediately go to "wow I bet they have a lot of great times in the bedroom!" - jesus no. I probably want to learn her name, background, hobbies, interests, job, and so on because I recognize that she's important to you and should be included and made to feel welcome at these events. That's all we want and it's so sad that some feel this is simply too difficult or disgusting a request to honor.
I fail to see how a request for equal treatment is so hard to comprehend but there's always a few people with this useless, narrow, disappointment of an attitude. The great news is there is less and less room for it as society marches on.
(Shameless plug: if you think equality is simple and LGBT+ folks should be encouraged to attend car events as their authentic selves, go follow Out Motorsports on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Feedback is indicating we are making a difference with that exact mission, and the more support, the better.)