Whether or not you work on cars in a sprawling hangar with spotless floors or a one-car garage wedged behind your house, these items are must-haves.
What are these essential items? You’ll have to read about the 10 workspace essentials—plus a bonus—for you…
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Back in my youth "Tunes" was the first essential. Now that I'm old it's lights first and tunes second.
I have everything on that list except the pegboard. Wall space is too precious for pegboard. I'd rather have shelves.
12/7/20 5:00 p.m.
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
I have everything on that list except the pegboard. Wall space is too precious for pegboard. I'd rather have shelves.
Got everything else covered. And the 2020 version of "tunes"? A computer in the shop so you can stream the 24 hours of Datona (or whatever race you want) while you're working... It can also be used to reference shop manuals, or order parts online as you go...

12/7/20 5:07 p.m.
What I'm getting from this is that I need storage so I can rework my garage. A dozen or more outboards take up a bunch of room
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
I have everything on that list except the pegboard. Wall space is too precious for pegboard. I'd rather have shelves.
pegboard is literally the biggest waste of space ever.
Also, I have all the things except pegboard. Pics because I just took them for a garagejournal thread lol...

No pegboard...yet. And Im not sure I'll do any, but who knows.
But shelves, yes!
#1. Urinal
#2. Sink
#3. Battery powered wratchet
#4. Beer Fridge
#5. And nothing else matters (cue Metallica music)
based on my neighbors' garages, pegboard is for guys who really don't have a very good selection of tools at all, but who want to make people THINK they do by showing 100% of their tools hanging on the wall. Meanwhile, almost none of my tools are visible if you're just standing in my garage.
Olemiss540 said:
#1. Urinal
#2. Sink
#3. Battery powered wratchet
#4. Beer Fridge
#5. And nothing else matters (cue Metallica music)
garage sink is crucial, else you may invoke the wrath of SWMBO when washing up in the house bathroom sink. Same story on fridge. Wife isn't gonna let me load up the main fridge with beer and soda lol.
Urinal....isn't that what the tree in the yard is for?
No on the peg board. I have tired to use it in the past and tools just seem to find their way into the tool box, or fall off when no one is looking.
One thing that should have made the list was a "jack stand box" so the little buggers don't fall out from under the bench and cause mayhem.
Paul B
A small piece of pegboard works for me. 
I actually just made this change because I got tired of the wrenches in a mess inside the drawer.
12/7/20 9:08 p.m.
I love pegboard. I don't even have a toolbox.
Everything is easy access and never gets messy.
12/7/20 9:11 p.m.
I realize y'all are in Florida, but for the rest of us: Heat.
Also, if you have a sink... Do you really need the urinal?
Lots of pegboard hate. I love it using it. Way more efficient than digging through drawers and not sloppy like shelves. It’s the right tool for the job in certain places. Behind the workbench- I don’t want shelves sticking out over my work space. It’s great for making use of otherwise wasted space, like the sides of workbenches and cabinets or inside cabinet doors. I also like hanging my safety gear and consumables rather than hide them in drawers or cram them on shelves. I use peg board for my commonly used tools.

I use whatever makes sense for the space. Tool chests, shelves, cabinets, peg board, drawers, they all have their uses. I’m also trying out French cleats. They have an advantage over peg board as far as space efficiently, but are a lot more work and take a lot more time and commitment to set up.
I'm not a huge fan of pegboard but it may honestly mostly be because i AM a big fan of deep toolboxes/benches. I find the ideal depth for a bench/table surface is around 28-30", and height just a bit below my elbows. The combination of those two things makes pegboard above those surfaces slightly compromised, but not terrible. I do plan to install more than I have, but it's definitely not a love affair.
I would say the most important things a workspace can have are concrete floors, followed by roof, followed by walls. I did a whole lot of cool stuff in a carport in the beginning, but after living several places with basically less than that as a workspace, I built a shop and would definitely rather get rid of my house and live in my shop then move to some other house with no shop again.
12/7/20 10:56 p.m.
To go with #3 "Wheels Under Everything", how do we feel about trolleys?
Supposedly it should prevent having a pile of sockets and wrenches around the car.

New Reader
12/7/20 11:02 p.m.
My next thing is going to be a cheap smart TV. Not to watch anything but to look at manuals and part online.
Olemiss540 said:
#1. Urinal
#2. Sink
#3. Battery powered wratchet
#4. Beer Fridge
#5. And nothing else matters (cue Metallica music)
I know urinal is important, but does it really need to take the top two spots?
Don't like pegboard at all. It's like an apartment building for spiders and looks crappy after a while. It flakes apart when moving hooks, can't put a movable shelf on it, warps from heavy things, and looks old fashioned & cheap. Slatwall is my favorite.
Best shop I built was done with used slatwall from a store that was being remodeled and used Steelcase office cubicle desks & overhead file cabinets with lights in the underside of the overhead file cabinets. Don't think I ever took specific pics of the benches & cabinets but you can see them in the background in this pic. Yes that vice is bolted to what was once a Steelcase desk. I think I had 6 desks with the associated drawer sections bolted together to make a long bench. I made 1 foot tall wood boxes to raise the desk height up to my desired height for standing at the bench. When I moved I sold all of the shop fixtures to a young guy who had been an employee of mine and was opening up a VW tuner shop.
So, with the whole "work from home" movement I think there will be a lot of used office cubicle fixtures and hardware available. Something to look for if you want to build a really nice shop area cheap.
I really like my HF magnetic strips instead of pegboard. I have(had
) a few strips screwed to the back of my bench and it holds most light handtools like pliers and wrenches so easily.
In reply to mtn (Forum Supporter) :
So if you empty a tall boy in the beer fridge, technically that's three in the top 5
Boost_Crazy said:
Lots of pegboard hate. I love it using it. Way more efficient than digging through drawers and not sloppy like shelves. It’s the right tool for the job in certain places. Behind the workbench- I don’t want shelves sticking out over my work space. It’s great for making use of otherwise wasted space, like the sides of workbenches and cabinets or inside cabinet doors. I also like hanging my safety gear and consumables rather than hide them in drawers or cram them on shelves. I use peg board for my commonly used tools.

I use whatever makes sense for the space. Tool chests, shelves, cabinets, peg board, drawers, they all have their uses. I’m also trying out French cleats. They have an advantage over peg board as far as space efficiently, but are a lot more work and take a lot more time and commitment to set up.
your collection of electric tools is impressive :)