2/24/09 1:10 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:
...Find someone with a P-71 to follow him for a while. Scare the crap out of him a few times like that and he's likly to find a different route.
Actually this is really good. If he has a hopped up sportbike and is that agressive, chances are he has at least one if not 2 BIG ticketts.
Or, honestly, as a sportbiker, approach the guy at his place and tell him while you admire the exhust, it wakes your kids. He might be a complete douche, or he may not actually realize it. Almost all my bikes are stock exhaust, but the guys witht he modified stuff never realize how loud it is becuase they are always in front of it.
I've never been yelled at from outside my car, only inside. Just about every trip I took with my learner's permit with my mother riding shotgun was an exercise in how much I could ignore the phrase "Slow down!" Of course I was only ever going 1 to 2 mph over the limit, but that was wayyyy too fast. This from the woman who tailgates like she's trying to draft...
Some neighborhood kids said something once while I was towing the Saturn race car...
Kid: Do you race that car?
Me: Yea...
Kid: It looks slow.
Me: Start running, I'll give you a head start.
I take it easy in neighborhoods. I drive considerately on the highway. But honestly, there are a few times I have been yelled at, and I usually deserved it. I'll spare you the stories of irresponsibility.
One of the memorable times where I didn't deserve it: A guy forcibly stopped me at night when I was 16. He was yelling and trying to give me hell. A self-proclaimed off-duty cop in his personal vehicle. I first noticed him when he ran up on me and got so close that I couldn't see his headlights. After a mile of very aggressive driving on his part, I got freaked (I was 16) and pulled over at a well-lit area and he threw his car sideways in front of me and started raising hell because I was speeding. Let me clear up something right now. I had an 87 Escort. It was incapable of reckless speeding. I was doing maybe 55 in a 45.
He kept saying that he could make one phone call and his cop buddys would be right there and I would be in BIG trouble. I finally told him to go ahead and call them or get out of my face. (A bold move for a 16 year old, eh?) He muttered and got in his car and left.
Two different times I popped around a curve doing about 40 in a 30 and there was one of those speed traps where the cops are shooting radar and pointing people over to get their tickets. Come on, people really comply? They must, because I usually see those poor dopes stopped and getting their paperwork. Both times I got pointed over, I smiled, waved and kept on trucking. Neither time did the march their happy arses to the car and come get me. I'll be damned if I get a ticket without the satisfaction of a proper blue-lighting. When I do get stopped, I make it a point to look for some nice roadkill (skunks are good) to stop next to.
When I was in college, I crossed the street about 50' up from a crosswalk (no traffic,) and a fat cop on foot started yelling at me for jaywalking and trotting my way. 'Hey you! I need to see your ID.' I sped up and he kept trotting my way. I sped up a little more and could see him sweating. He kept yelling and I just kept walking, staying 100' or so from him. After about a block and a half, he tuckered out and I didn't even have to jog. In the crime log the next day, I saw that about 10 people had gotten $50 tickets for jaywalking at that intersection that day. Enforcement campaign. 
New Reader
2/24/09 11:52 p.m.
About ten years ago I had a 10 second drag race Nova. I was at a residential stop sign in first gear about ready to lay into it. I looked up and saw a young girl playing in a front yard. I cruised up to about 3500 rpm, bumped it into second and idled up the street. Of course a guy comes running about of the house shaking his fists... The next day I'm coming home in my truck I look down my street and see a motorcycle cop parked behind the Nova in front of the house. I parked in back and came through the side yard to see what's up. Is this your car? Yes. Were you driving it yesterday? Yes. Oh, I know what this is. Yeah, I was about to lay into it coming past the stop sign but I saw a little kid up the road and didn't. I held it in gear... And some guy comes running out after me. The cop says "That guy was me" like it made a difference. I basically shrugged my shoulders, and affirmed the prior story. The cop wound up turning into a friend, later apologized for the "speeding" incident, and most importantly when he was hiding in the bushes running a speed trap he'd wave me by instead of waving me in.
My favorite "slow down" story; My brother had a pretty quick and very loud 67 Camaro in high school. He and his buddies were driving down some street taking out mailboxes with a bat. Turns out they were on a cul de sac. As they're coming back through their trail of destruction, a guy runs out of the house looks at the wreckage of his mailbox. looks at them , and yells "Slow Down!"
2/25/09 7:02 a.m.
I daily drive a 318ti. No, I've never been yelled at to slow down. 
New Reader
2/25/09 8:03 a.m.
Yelled at to slow down? None that I've ever heard! 
I was recently told to slow down by some old woman. I was towing the race car with my ambulance doing at least 5 under the limit. I just waved, bliped the siren and kept going.
in my fiat 128, flared fenders, 3 inch pipe from the headers back, apexing through the subdivision. Some old dude runs out in his boxers down the driveway screaming "this isnt a racetrack". I back it down into 2nd, putt putt by as he tries to get my plate, then BACK ON THE POWER!!!! Miss that car.
2/25/09 10:52 a.m.
I dont know if I have been yelled at to slow down but I have been forced to have conversations about it.
If I remember correctly the opening line was, "licenses and registration please."