5/1/15 6:18 a.m.
In one of its former lives, the Mumpkin was painted silver, and it didn't go so well.
That silver paint is still dusting and not bonded well. Whenever I try to paint over it, I've had no success.
Is there anything I can put over it that will penetrate and bond, or am I going to have to strip it to bare metal to have any degree of success?
I am primarily concerned about the difficult spots- engine bay, trunk, under carriage.
I've considered POR15, and PlastiDip. Penetrating primer? Just looking for suggestions.
I vote for 3M adhesive and astro-turf.
This and some foam-rollers or a HF spray gun?
stripping is the answer
encapsulating will only do so much
Jamey_from_Legal wrote:
I vote for 3M adhesive and astro-turf.
I'd say Bedazzle it with rhinestones.
Have you tried scuffing it with some really rough grit, then hitting it with filler primer?
Just cover the whole thing in comic book covers xD
5/1/15 10:59 a.m.
Jamey_from_Legal wrote:
I vote for 3M adhesive and astro-turf.
strange thing, i was thinking last night about how to astro-turf a car and have it removable later. i came up with plasti-dip and a water based outdoor carpet adhesive, so the whole deal would peel off later.
Is the paint on the body adhering poorly? We didn't do anything that special before spraying over the silver with orange tractor paint. Is it possible it's paint incompatibilities or a dirty surface?
5/1/15 3:09 p.m.
I'm in the process of using 3M 1080 vinyl to wrap a GoldWing instead of painting it. It's supposed to last 3-5 years ourdoors, and it's available in some really nice gloss metallic colors. The only real supplies needed are a heat gun (some vinyls work better with a torch), knifeless tape, and a squeegee and you don't have to worry about ambient temperature, humidity, overspray, or inhaling nasty chemicals.
5/1/15 6:45 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
Is the paint on the body adhering poorly? We didn't do anything that special before spraying over the silver with orange tractor paint. Is it possible it's paint incompatibilities or a dirty surface?
Yes, it has trouble adhering on the entire car (I could take it off with my fingernail if I tried, and it's worn off in minor wear areas like around the door handles).
You're right, the dirt makes it worse. The places on the car that are the hardest to get to or clean, are the worst spots. But those are also the spot with the most need for durability (rockers, wheel wells, engine bay, etc.)
So, yes, cleaning and prep will make it better, but not solve it. There is a problem with adhesion to that silver.
Though I know it's the right answer, I don't want to strip it. Waay to much effort.
5/1/15 6:46 p.m.
wae wrote:
I'm in the process of using 3M 1080 vinyl to wrap a GoldWing instead of painting it. It's supposed to last 3-5 years ourdoors, and it's available in some really nice gloss metallic colors. The only real supplies needed are a heat gun (some vinyls work better with a torch), knifeless tape, and a squeegee and you don't have to worry about ambient temperature, humidity, overspray, or inhaling nasty chemicals.
That doesn't sound at all fun in an engine bay, trunk, etc.
If we get all of us involved we could drop the rollerskate, remove everything else, pressure wash, and sand everything down to the factory red in a weekend. Might be the best bet.