6/15/09 9:55 p.m.
A bit of an odd request but here it goes. I need help convincing my fiance that wagons are indeed cool and that we need one. She needs a reliable, cheap automatic car to get to work now that shes finished school and started work. We don't have much money now since we've both been in school and i still have 2 more years to go, woot.
I found this sweet 91 accord wagon, fully loaded and seems in great shape for the year, all that's needed is an o2 sensor and a tire. Since it's in an area of BC that does emissions testing it can't pass without the sensor so it's really cheap. I live on the island where there is no testing so it doesn't bother me much.
The issue is, she thinks they are ugly and feels they are really big and she just wanted a smaller car to get around in. She likes the accord sedans and doesn't think they are too big but thinks the wagon is ugly and huge even though it's only like an inch longer and an inch or two higher based on what says.
Anyways, does anyone have any pictures of some good looking 4th gen wagons that I could use to persuade her or does anyone have any advice on how to sell this. I've tried the camping and traveling angle, the practical angle, the it's a wicked car for the price wagon or not angle I even tried to convince her they were more exclusive than some luxury exotic cars and i just can't seem to get past the looks.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
sorry I had to
6/15/09 10:15 p.m.
Thanks for the links, to be honest, a showier car might help things but those are all 5th gens i think, A 4th gen is this,
I don't want a show car, but if i can find a few pictures of a clean good looking wagon to convince the wife then it might help.
how's this one
6/15/09 11:35 p.m.
better, i think she may be warming up to it but any more advice or pics would be nice. 
Thanks again
I love wagons, looking for an old school Torino wagon myself
6/15/09 11:51 p.m.
Remember, before you're married, everyone is on their best behavior. After your married, their "true" personality comes out. If she's hung up on "looks" now rather than the practicality of an affordable, cheap insurance, reliable, utility wagon while you're both broke, wait till you get a little folding money in your wallet, your married and she has "full access"...
If you're buying, she's driving whatever the hell you give her. Sorry, that's my policy. If she's paying for it and the insurance herself, then she get's whatever she wants, otherwise, beggers can't be choosers... 
6/16/09 12:37 a.m.
After 4.5 years of being together our "true" personalities are all out in the open, i have no worries about that. There is no difference in insurance and she will be the only one pulling in money until this semester is done and i can get a co-op job to help out. Money between us is completely sorted and she allready has fully access to my bank account. 
Not that it matters but neither of us has any money so my dad is lending us some until she get a paycheque or two and we can pay him back.
Shes warming up to the idea now and she can see that compared to everything else out there for the money it's the newest nicest thing going and your right, beggars can't be choosers. But I mean given the choice she'd take the looks of the sedan over the wagon but we can't find any comparable sedans for the price with comparable kit.
I was just trying to find some examples of the wagon that made it look cooler than it is in stock form and any more bonus's to having the wagon that i haven't thought of.
aussiesmg wrote:
how's this one
OT, but when i saw transformers car in that video I was expecting something a bit more like this
or this
6/16/09 4:43 a.m.
PaulY said:
Money between us is completely sorted and she already has fully access to my bank account.
If you buy the wagon shell tell you she hates it but secretly love it, mark my words... but what ever you do, if you value your relationship, dont get rid of it unless she says too. then and only then, let her hand over the title and keys to the new owner, unless your ready for a walkabout, its the curse of the wagon...
In the space of three days i went from wagon owner , to 60k poorer and homeless after i gave away the wagon she continuously complained about. that was ten years ago and im still paying off the 20k in credit card bills she racked up over that weekend, though i hear she has a nice house in the catskills she bought with the 40k in cash she withdrew from my bank account. But i gotta say, i was allot happier after that despite the poverty, but on occasion, i still miss the wagon...
Women equate "wagon" with "mommy, old, unatractive, and married". Getting a friend-who has 3 kids-to even look at a wagon when her Neon died was like pulling teeth. Minivans were even worse. She had me check out plenty of POS SUVs that she couldn't afford to buy or run but was adamant about not getting a "mommy car'. Then after borrowing another friends minivan out of necessity for a week she went out and bought one.
My now ex GF hated my 945t until we broke up and she had to schlep her 3 kids and 2 dogs across 3 states in her 2 door Crapalier on vacation. Now she misses it more than she misses me.
The moral is that most women will fight tooth and nail to not drive a wagon, but once they have one they won't want to give it up.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Women equate "wagon" with "mommy, old, unatractive, and married".
So true, this is why my fiance drives the imprezza (sedan) and I drive the wagon in the family (Matrix)
6/16/09 10:27 a.m.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Women equate "wagon" with "mommy, old, unatractive, and married". Getting a friend-who has 3 kids-to even look at a wagon when her Neon died was like pulling teeth. Minivans were even worse. She had me check out plenty of POS SUVs that she couldn't afford to buy or run but was adamant about not getting a "mommy car'. Then after borrowing another friends minivan out of necessity for a week she went out and bought one.
My now ex GF hated my 945t until we broke up and she had to schlep her 3 kids and 2 dogs across 3 states in her 2 door Crapalier on vacation. Now she misses it more than she misses me.
The moral is that most women will fight tooth and nail to not drive a wagon, but once they have one they won't want to give it up.
That's good to know. Yea she was looking at a few neons but none of them seemed to have much work done or had a head gasket replaced and I just want something solid that I don't have to work on all the time since i live in a basement suite with no garage access. Yea i can see her possibly liking it with all of the luxury features it has and the practicality of it. Hopefully it grows on her. I think that if we get it she'll be sold after the first long distance trip we take.
I like wagons, but she's right, the Accord wagon is kinda homely. On the other hand, sometimes you go with what meets the automotive needs more than the automotive wants.
Sounds like fido's barking the numbers... I have a female co-worker that asked me about diesels vs hybrids. After stating my cases for diesels, she's still insisting on buying a prius...
Oh well, I tried
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Women equate "wagon" with "mommy, old, unatractive, and married".
Turbo Volvo, FTW 
E34's & E39's are reasonably priced as well 
Matt B
New Reader
6/16/09 11:31 a.m.
I want one of these E39 wagons really bad. Like sell my momma's vcr bad.

6/16/09 12:43 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote:
I like wagons, but she's right, the Accord wagon is kinda homely. On the other hand, sometimes you go with what meets the automotive needs more than the automotive wants.
Exactly, I like wagons, and even I think it could be better looking but when i add up all of the features and uses it just makes sense and she's seeing that more so now. I think she's seen what's out there for the price now and she would much rather have a nice clean car inside than a sporty one out side that will leave her stranded.