Australia scenario:
My first move is to get the berkeley back to the airport- town is full of crazies and everything here has been looted already. I can't fly a plane but I can damn well drive, and I know exactly what has enough capacity to get me to my destination- the fuel truck. It runs on diesel, but it'll run just fine on the jet fuel in the back. I route the fuel hose straight around and into the gas tank, working in the cover of an empty hanger.
Next step is armor- using another stolen airport vehicle, I drag large containers, dumpsters, and anything else with heavy steel back to the hanger. I armor the entire truck, including the undercarriage, and build a cowcatcher for the front- it takes a long time and a lot of energy to do this without power tools, and the truck isn't pretty, but it's beefed up and ready to roll in one long day of work.
On our way out, we hit the terminal for food and water. I'm having to dodge the occasional lunatic but people are pretty few and far between here; the violent ones have taken out the rest and are working on eachother now, so their numbers are dropping steadily.
What follows is a long-ass drive down 87, but apart from the occasional madman in a car (easily dispatched with the cowcatcher up front) all we see is desert and abandoned road trains. 87 becomes A87 as we move south, but we still barely encounter anyone until we near Port Augusta.
We drove through the night, and as the sun rises, we hear a roar approaching from behind. Soon, an S15 with 8 exhaust pipes sticking through the hood pulls alongside us; I fear the worst, this thing looks serious- knobbly tires, armored windows, and the unmistakable sound of an uncorked LS. But when we look closer, it's obvious the occupants mean us no harm- they're grinning and waving like crazy!
Pulling over, we both step out of our vehicles. "Why hasn't anything happened to you?" I ask
"Dude, it turns out, that when your main personality trait is being awesome, the superflu just makes you MORE AWESOME!" the scruffy S15 driver yells. "C'mon Marty, let's get them to camp."
The other occupant of the S15 says nothing, but opens the passenger door for us. We climb in, the next few hours are a spectacularly good time tearing ass to the survivor's camp, and... that's how we were saved by Marty and Moog from Mighty Car Mods.