8/28/09 7:22 p.m.
Being a big overgrown kid, I thought it would be cool to put a roof vent in the Targa car. Sure, it was built to race in Newfoundland (forecast high for tomorrow 64F) but it's living in Colorado (current high 92F). So cool air is good, right?
First, the grassroots part. You can get these vents from "rally suppliers" for about $90. Or you can get the same parts from the van hardware store for $22. So that's good. They'll be weatherproof, pretty nice stuff.

But to really finish things off, you want a scoop. Something to protect your vents from the elements and force feed them. So I ordered one from Primitive Motorsports. There aren't a lot of options here really.
It's here, and it's big. Sized for a real car, not a toy one like a Miata. I sat it on the roof for a bit. Whaddya think? Should I?
(yes, I sat it off center on the roof)

a little big, but I like it.
can you cut about 1/2 the height out?
8/28/09 7:51 p.m.
I like the scoop, but I wouldn't like the idea of extra hardware sticking down near my melon.
Grtechguy wrote:
a little big, but I like it.
That's what she said!
Michael Scott
Branch Manager
Dunder Mifflin Scranton PA
8/28/09 7:56 p.m.
Can't really make it any lower, it's hollow with a lip around the edge. Well, I suppose I could, but I don't like fibreglass work.
I don't think there would be hardware near the melon. This thing would be in the center of the roof near the windshield. It would be like hitting your head on the normal rear view mirror in a Miata.
I have a suspicion I know what Janel's reaction will be. We'll find out tonight.
How high does the van roof vent stick up when it's fully opened?
If it's not too high I'd probably cut down the fiberglass scoop in the picture some so it doesn't look like a Pro Stock snorkel scoop on your roof.
If you need the height to clear the vent I'd probably just go with the vent. It's hard core enough as-is.
Practical? check. Functional? check. Attractive? Can you get your money back?
It looks looks like Jaws new car
obscure reference I know
Do it!
P.S. Love the old Land Rover in the background.
I used the alloy ones in my rally car and loved them so did my co driver,
I'd like to see the scoop whittled down a little, as it is kinda big. Aside from that, go for it!
I am conflicted. I like roof scoops but it is a little big. Looks like the hood scoop from my STi. I wouldn't put it on my street car but I think it would work in your application so I am more for it than against it My vote is yes.
8/28/09 9:45 p.m.
I had the same thought about "how high does it HAVE to be"? Turns out that's the minimum height for the scoop if it's going to clear the vent at full open. Bummer. It's probably perfectly sized on a Subaru, just too big on a little car.
Do it. Otherwise, I'll be forced to do the same to the snugtop I'm picking up next month. If you do it, I can't, for fear of being labeled a copy cat.
8/29/09 3:11 a.m.
Mount it backwards so it lets hot air escape. Better for aerodynamics, and probably better for cooling.
...And why haven't you added Basil the Land Rover to the Readers' Rides so I can upvote it?
The comment above has me thinking about what I did not like about my MR2 with t-tops. Lots of air would get in the car but then the wind would hit the back window and have no way of getting out. The trapped wind would creating a lot of buffeting.
Do you have any of this wind trapping issues in the current state of the Miata? If you do, mounting the vent backwards, just over the rear window may elevate the issues and actually create a nice windstream effect within the cabin.
If the vent is mounted forward, lots of air will enter but how will that air get out?
8/29/09 7:29 a.m.
I think you should hold out for a smaller one. It's a way-cool idea, but that scoop is just a little bit big. And your Miata is too good to hack up for a non-perfect scoop.
8/29/09 7:45 a.m.
We did this on a VW Golf we used for TSD rallies and stuff, just for giggles. There are problems.
The inboard part of those vents really does steal a lot of melon room. Be very, very sure they won't be in your way, especially in a Miata. I think they will, based on our Golf experience.
They WILL leak, guaranteed. If not the vent seal itself, your caulk job around the base will fail. No matter how good you are.
I would do it, but to justify it I'd have to place an engine behind the seats and feed air into it's supercharger from that scoop.
The Rover:
The sides need to be flaired out more, then the height wouldn't look so bad.
Kinda like this I grabbed from Google....

8/29/09 9:50 a.m.
The vent can be opened either way, so you can either use it to ram air into the cabin or to suck it out. Using it to ram air means you pressurize the cabin, which theoretically keeps the dust out. Not an issue in a tarmac car, but there you go. Opening it backwards would help airflow through the cabin. Currently, the only way to get air into the cabin is the side windows or the defroster. It has no HVAC setup otherwise.
Actually, Basil (the old Land Rover, more on him here) has a similar arrangement when I think about it. He's got four factory roof vents under that white safari top. They're really nice and it makes a huge difference to the interior temperature in the sun. Maybe I'll add him to the GRM Readers Rides for those who like old, slow, unstoppable beasts.
Luke wrote:
I think you should hold out for a smaller one. It's a way-cool idea, but that scoop is just a little bit big. And your Miata is too good to hack up for a non-perfect scoop.
You know this Miata is made out of junkyard parts, right? Here's what the hardtop used to look like, and this is a flattering picture.

But yeah, I'm thinking too big. I'm not sure I'll do the roof vent even without the scoop.