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Contradiction Reader
4/9/14 11:33 a.m.

Wow, what a crappy situation! I'd say deal directly with the owner if the GM is giving you crap. If you were prepping for that kind of higher end detailing have the people that looked at the car talk to them.

At this point if they are complaining about door dings that's ludicrous. They're the ones that damaged the car allegedly and painted it poorly without your consent. A few hundred dollars in PDR work shouldn't be something they are arguing with you over.

I hate to say it but this is sounding more and more like a situation where you won't walk away satisfied. I'd really consider hiring a lawyer outright and sitting down and having a conversation with the owner of the shop with your lawyer present.

I believe that it's entirely possible that they could make it right and do a good enough job to make the car as good or better as it was, but this is a really ugly situation, and having been through similar problems twice I'd say it won't end well.

When I was in HS my Mom was shopping for a new car and the dealership had a decent Chevy Blazer with a reasonable amount of mileage that was in my Mom's price range but the paint was shot. It had a little bit of surface rust on the lower rockers, etc and the clearcoat was faded.

The dealer made the offer to my Mom that they would do a full paint job on the car in an effort to sell it and get her the vehicle she was looking for.

Sounds like a great deal if the paint job was up to your expectations right? It wasn't. And by this point she had already signed for it. They completely neglected to paint it below the lower door/upper rocker rubber trim, under the bumpers, etc. A "full respray" to me is a FULL RESPRAY. As in take the bumpers off, take the trim off, do a complete job. We gave it back to them twice. The first time because they didn't do the rockers, the second time because even after I complained that they didn't touch the rockers they didn't take off the bumpers and I could see rust behind that.

After the 3rd trip to a body shop (and finally a different, more competent one) they finally gave up. They appologized for the whole thing and offered to buy the car back and get us something else of equal value.

The problem was finding that, and getting them to agree to pay for it. My Mom wanted a 4WD Blazer with under 70K miles. They kept saying they couldn't find one that met her criteria, and then they started offering other completely different cars. Like a 4 door Olds Cutlass. I finally told her just take whatever damn car they will give you because it had been 8 or 9 months by this point. In the end a year later they finally stopped talking to us and she just gave up.

I'm afraid that your insistence on a black S2K with an equal or lesser mileage range is going to get the same result. If I were you I would tell them you want the book value + 1 or 2 grand for your hassle and ultimately your silence on the whole matter. Your expectations may be too high, their willingness to try and spend the time and money to make the car PERFECT may be low, they may eventually get aggrevated with you in the whole process (even though you have every right to be angry and demand a proper fix)and the whole situation could degrade.

IMO having them pay you the book value of the car would be the best outcome. Then they own the car and they can decide how much effort they want to spend on fixing the car and selling it to someone else. Hell they may even find that fixing the worst problem areas with a slightly less half assed paint job and less investment in time and labor on their part they could sell that car for $12K to someone with lower standards. Maybe even someone that wants nothing more then a track car for a good price.

HiTempguy UltraDork
4/9/14 1:20 p.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: Both said I need to give the shop a chance to make it right, if not, you can't prove damages.

That doesn't make any sense. You do realize you should be dealing with the shops INSURANCE right? Since you are negotiating privately, you are asking to get screwed. Quit being a nice guy FFS. Everyone knows exactly how this is going to end, and it ain't good news for you and there is a reason why they aren't settling it through insurance.

The HalfDork
4/9/14 1:34 p.m.
Does the BBB actually provide ANY service whatsoever?

yes, i gotten refunds from 2 different E36 M3ty businesses......

dyintorace UberDork
4/14/14 11:12 a.m.

Any update? Anxiously awaiting the next bit of news.

mndsm MegaDork
4/22/14 9:53 p.m.

Wow.... yeah, this is when you start making phone calls.

BoxheadTim PowerDork
4/22/14 9:56 p.m.

In reply to Datsun1500:

So sorry to hear that, it originally sounded like you could reach an amicable solution. Best of luck getting it resolved.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
4/22/14 10:06 p.m.

Really sorry to hear this, I was hoping for a better outcome.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
4/22/14 10:16 p.m.

"It's just a Honda" is not an applicable comment. That alone shows they didn't put the proper energy into the situation. You shouldn't be dealing with this problem at all and time is money. The lawyers are awaiting your call. Sorry to hear the situation has come to this.

Javelin MegaDork
4/22/14 11:04 p.m.

Hate to say we told you so, but... we told you so.

Good luck getting the rest of it worked out.

fasted58 PowerDork
4/22/14 11:07 p.m.

Hope your lawyer is a car guy too. Stick it to 'em.

gamby UltimaDork
4/23/14 12:10 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: The car was finished today. We went to the shop, and it's still a lousy job. I was also presented with a $2500 bill for the paint job. I was told it's a $7000 paint job and I should be happy to get it at cost. I was told "it's just a honda" a few times. Nows when the fun begins... The attitude is completely different from a few weeks ago, like I'm trying to scam them.

Sadly, I saw this coming from a million miles away--as I'm sure you did.

A $7k paintjob is flawless--thus, all they did was throw another ghetto paintjob onto it. Lord only knows what lurks under it.

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill Dork
4/23/14 12:32 a.m.

damn man. I was hoping this would work out

AverageH Reader
4/23/14 12:55 a.m.

Since I've only had one business law class, I couldn't really tell you any angles to take other than finding a lawyer would be the best route. What you do have on your side is "caveat venditor," or "seller beware." Imagine the kind of power you have over both of their reputations! Businesses cannot get away with pulling fast ones any more due to the massive shift in customer power.
I'm sure you are tired of thinking about this whole dirty situation, and you wish it would go away, but I think now is the time to step it up a level. It's difficult to stay true to the course, as I dealt with a personal injury settlement that dragged on for 3 years, but it was worth it in the end.

Man, I wish you and your son the best out of this situation. Once you clear your head a bit, let us know what is going on. Good luck.


mad_machine MegaDork
4/23/14 7:52 a.m.

so which shop is causing all the issues? the original shop or the Maaco that originally screwed the car up?

chrispy Reader
4/23/14 8:06 a.m.

Originally presented with a $2000 bill to do you a "favor" - make the car look new, which they didn't. The "fix it" price is $2500? Don't think you're the one pulling the scam if you can prove what the paint was like prior to "getting it fixed" and its in worse condition now. Did they fix/replace the panel that supposedly had bond in it? Sorry to hear they didn't come through for you.

mtn UltimaDork
4/23/14 8:15 a.m.

I'm curious if the bondo is still there (i.e. new body part or not).

In any case, their audacity is shocking. You came in for a relatively simple job (emblem delete), price probably about $500, and they are trying to give you a bill for their berkeleyup.

At that point, I'm suing them for everything your son has in the car so far (I hope he/you have reciepts for EVERYTHING short of an oil change), the time without the car (whatever the cheapest rental would have cost for the [extra] time it has been in the shop--whether he has another car is irrelevent), and all court costs and lawyer fees.

Cost of the car to replace the car. Cost of the court fees to come out even. Cost of a rental for the effort involved.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
4/23/14 8:19 a.m.



Time to go hard.

tuna55 UltimaDork
4/23/14 8:19 a.m.

Find the guy who originally offered to buy your son any car anywhere to replace it, send him a link and make him do it. Corner him in the office. If that doesn't do it, the lawyer is your only way out.

Sorry man. You're surprising exactly nobody with this result, though.

AaronBalto Reader
4/23/14 8:30 a.m.

You gave them the chance to make it right and make you happy. As you posted earlier, you felt you had to do that much to establish the case. I can see why going straight to legal threats wasn't an option, despite the opinions of an army of Grassroots Bar Association members.

Sorry you are having to go through this. The bright side: you can scratch at least one body shop off your Christmas list.

SVreX MegaDork
4/23/14 9:38 a.m.

Shouldn't be.

One call to a tow company. Do it quickly.

Sorry to hear about this outcome. I was hoping for some good news.

nepa03focus Reader
4/23/14 9:54 a.m.

Geez this is a nightmare, good luck I hope everything works out in the end.

DILYSI Dave MegaDork
4/23/14 10:09 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: The GM of the shop has now convinced the owner that we brought in a car with issues and are trying to get a free "high dollar" paint job.

It HAD a high dollar paint job on it (the one that Honda spent $10M to get right), and they screwed it up.

solfly Reader
4/23/14 12:34 p.m.

just started this thread from the start and hoped i would be reading the resolution

terrible situation, best of luck with a resolution

solfly Reader
5/2/14 8:38 a.m.

Any updates?

1966stang Reader
5/2/14 9:06 a.m.

Sorry to see it come to this.

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