I have a home brew brake bleeder that uses compressed air. I made it about 30 years ago. I have found that about one BAR seems to be a good operating pressure.
What do the modern hand pump ones use for psi?
Another related question. Will brake fluid eat efi fuel line? I am making some mods to my rig.
15 psi is what I use in my motive.
Yes, brake fluid will eat efi line. Just takes longer than nonefi. Clear vynil tubing is what I have settled on.
15 PSI on all my cars. At the track when I suggest checking the oil on my student's car so I can see the supposedly new brake fluid and we miss a track session to a pressure bleeder session, I suggest 15 but let them pump it in case the reservoir blows off.
I usually go with 15 - 20 psi. Never had an issue.
10-15 psi is all it takes.
Thanks all looks like my One Bar is spot on.