Aside from the spectacle and excitement of the race itself, my favorite part of my semi-annual trip to the Nürburgring 24 Hours is the week after. Since I’m already in a beautiful foreign country, I usually take the week off, bring my wife over for some R&R, and see the sight…
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Actions do speak louder than words. Interesting insight. I'll admittedly be a bit more self-conscious with an instructor around. 
Let me know when you make that shirt, because I NEED one as well!
Great article!
I pretty much already do this.
I do ask what experience someone has and then watch what they do for the first few corners.
I think it's important to ask about experience because sometimes you get very experience people who have terrible habits. It's often an indicator that they haven't been listening to their instructor.
1. Hands should be smooth until counter-steer is necessary, then fast.
2. How far ahead do they look, judged by how much later they react to something I see.
While a novice usually slows more than necessary, its also a sign of being cautious. What is difficult to assess before its too late is if they SHOULD slow more but are just barreling into a turn blindly because they know thats what fast drivers do. This is the biggest thing that scares me first time riding with a new student is if their skill matches their speed because some want to be Mario right out the gate.