See above comment. no bags, the car IS the crumple zone and I look UP at current compacts.....
the miata with broken airbags might be safer than the one with "functional" late-80s-designed airbags. 
MiatarPowar wrote:
99-'02 Saab 9-3.
I liked mine. Some others here will agree.
+1. even though it left us stranded twice in quick succession (once its fault; once the mechanic's), it still managed to worm its way into our hearts. i'd buy another in a second, esp if i needed a cheap long-distance commuter.
Bobzilla wrote:
Stealthtercel wrote:
Well, hang on, guys: you've both got meaningful data. Bob is reporting multiple crashes in the real world that happened to real people under uncontrolled conditions so variable as to be unrepeatable, but with similar results. He has built up an opinion from that data. Ig. is reporting the results of carefully controlled, non-real-world, fully repeatable investigations by an impartial testing authority. He has built up an opinion from THAT data. Both opinions are valid. Neither opinion can predict the future, just hint at it.
But it's a bit unfair to suggest that Elantras are as toxic as cigarettes.
Agreed. Controlled tests are finr to "rank cars". But to compare it to real world crashes is not the same.
Some hyundai haters will stop at nothing, even reality, to bash them.
I want to go on the record to say I am not a hyundai hater in the least. I merely stated I was looking at the cars and liked them. I then read the IIHS results and stopped dead. I also threw in a some colorful language for internets funn4y...
When the wife's Rav4 dies, in a while, I'm going to look for a Hyundai ute to replace it...
i had one as a rental car, and really liked it. I even test drove one, but my credit is soo bad that I couldnt get into one. I remember that it had the quietest interior of any car, including a bmw that I have ever been in...