So the seats in my insight are killing me on 45 mile one way commute a day. If you want to argue about the commute, find my other thread. Anyway, I have thought about selling the damn thing but the mileage is awesome even with my lead foot and my next car will have to be family friendly so I am waiting for a bigger budget reserve before heading down that road.
My Question is what is your favorite driver seat for long hauls.
Import things to me:
Lumbar support
Good support for a 6ft+ 200lbs+ guy
Available in white/gray/black, tan isn't an option for me.
Fit in a first gen Insight, bigger than you would think. Much easier than a miata for seat upgrades.
Not going to cost me a grand a piece. I am willing to sink some dough into this but I can't afford new Recaros at 3500 a piece!
Over on InsightCentral, I have seen a lot of S2000 seats and few Evo Recaro swaps.
Anything can be made to fit....just that whole time/money/fabrication factor. Try sitting in a few of the popular seat swaps, and if nothing fits, find a seat YOU like and make it (or have someone make it) work.
Yeah, I have seen that and also there was someone that did 350z seats too. Just looking for opinions on some good seats to look for. A friend has an E38 7 series that I might try a test fit with. If those beasts will fit, anything will.
These look nice
These guys do free shipping. I am thinking about the MK5 GTI seats with plaid. Those look comfy
Whoa... i'm glad i know that seller exists now. 
I made an offer of 425 for the pair, shipped! I am not so patiently waiting a responds. I am not 100% on the plaid in my GREEN insight but I don't care, it might look awesome!
Why not go even funkier or baller?

And they will be here next Wednesday!! 425 shipped. These guys are awesome. Talked with Craig of Just Jap Imports. Cool guy, happy to have found them.
In reply to Swank Force One:
I ACTUALLY had both of those saved but they were both above my limit shipped (600) and the grey ones would take 8 weeks and didn't have rails. Love the red though.
Cool, those look comfy with good bolsters. Should match the color scheme pretty well too.
Uhh I'm mostly posting so I can easily find this thread later for scientific purposes. That being said, good luck in the seat project and post a build thread!
That's cool!
Seats make a HUGE difference in any car. Glad you found some that will work better.
This is another reason I like Subaru's. I put WRX seats in my Forester and the entire swap took me 15 minutes.
Please post up a image when done. Also have a insight and mk5 gti. Would love to see the combo together as the insight seats aren't the most comfy. However I never deemed the mk5 seats to be either...
Thanks for the links, they will come in handy eventually.
5/30/14 6:49 p.m.
Like Ben i am now super happy to know that that ebay seller exists..
As for Insight seats, this is unwanted .02 but i found their comfort level changed a lot with my weight.
Even though the car itself can fit a massively tall person (i have sat 6'6 and 6'7 in my driver's seat), the seats are not comfortable on the lower back for a wide person.
Well I'm not a tiny man. If I were 140 lbs and 5'5" it would be better.
I can't see how the VW seats can suck as much as the insight seats. No lumbar support, thin padding with no springs, just a metal plate.