frenchyd said:
bobzilla said:
In reply to Boost_Crazy :
you dont want to buy the ev today? you're losing your mind!
For all those calling anyone not dying to own an ev right this second backwards and losing their minds: Do they make a manual trans EV that goes 400 miles per charge, is fun to drive and costs $25k? No? Than I don't want it. Come talk to me when they do.
It only costs 25k if you ignore the rest of its cost. It's just scrap metal until you buy the fuel for it. 20 years of fuel Is. $44,000 or about a tenth of that for an EV.
Yes you can have whatever you want. I fought in a war to ensure that you have choices.
Seriously, repeating the same lies over and over don't make them true.
Lets do the real math that applies to me, not even considering the FACT that there is no manual trans EV which is my #1 requirement because that is obviously too hard for you to comprehend.
Here's the EV that I would purchase IGNORING THE MAIN THING I WANT IN A CAR.

Add tax, that is now $53526.75. Because of my state, that makes the license plates twice the price of the gas car for the next 10 years. They would be around $700 per year in plates compared to $350. That's $7000 more, bringing the new total to $60526
Our current elecricity rate is ~$0.11/kW. So a recharge on the car, which for my DD would be every 8 days. Not including the trips we take, that would be 45 recharges at home for $7. $315 for electricity per year if prices don't change.Over 10 years that new total is now $63673.
Lets look at the car I am purchasing. $25985. Add in taxes and now we are at 27803. $350/yr for plates at $350 pushes to $31,303. I will average about 34mpg at $3.50/gal for the same 10k miles (ignoring the exra trips) is $1029 for fuel making the new total $41593 for 10 years. That's a $22000 difference. at the $700 year difference in fuel/electricity that will take 31 years to make up.
Tires for the EV are $280 more per set. That's 10 oil changes, 3 per year with one left over, or about he same amount of time I'll need another set of tires. So that washes out. The "oil changes raise your cost" don't apply here. Brakes? Fine.... I'll probably need new brakes at 60-80k miles. so in 10 years I'll need $300 in brakes. OK, that changes the pay back to equal time to 30.5 years now.
OK, but if you put in solar.... well that doesn't really work either because now I'm putting out another $70k out of pocket. State program ended to help cover that cost and our electric supplier only buys back a 1/10 the rate they charge, or basically $0.01/kW. A 10kW system would just barely cover our normal usage for the necessities (well, waterheater, AC/heat, fridge, freezer). So we aren't getting anything back there. Even if it did pay our monthly bill $250/mo average that would take 23 years to pay back.
So no. An ev is not right for everyone. Not even close and that is still ignoring my #1 problem: they don't make what I want.