Nope. For example, 2004-2009 Mazda3s have a wimpy FIAMM single high tone horn... including the Mazdaspeed3s.
I added a low tone FIAMM from Pepboys to my MS3 and now it sounds like a normal car horn.
Nice call on everyone for the Roadmonster horns, I might have to get some for my Mustang if I don't like its horn.
4/5/12 6:05 p.m.
Hella Supertones.
4/5/12 9:13 p.m.
Supertones have the most annoying tinny sound. I hate their sound. Yeah they are loud and they work but they sound horrible. IMO of course.
4/5/12 9:15 p.m.
while we're at it 
New Reader
4/6/12 5:53 a.m.
Upper spec 80s Benzes 560SEL & SEC W126's had a horn button on the dash that switched between two horn tones. IDK what the difference was, but the button is in front of the shifter between the heated seat buttons.

4/6/12 5:59 a.m.
In reply to HIDGolf:
I actually got to hear the difference last weekend at Caffeine and Octane in Atlanta as there was a 560SEC there, there is a 'loud' highway horn that's very deep and mounted on the front grille that projects. The second is a higher pitch, muted horn that's mounted on the firewall for city driving...
4/6/12 1:12 p.m.
The horn on an old Land Rover sounds exactly like you think it would, more a like a "pardon me, old chap" than a "get the hell out of the way!". It's a Clear Hooter according to the name on the body. Which is my favorite name for a horn ever.
In reply to Keith:
Would also make a great band name.
A name like Clear Hooter was worthy of a YT search and sure enough, here is a sample.
Taiden wrote:
Supertones have the most annoying tinny sound. I hate their sound. Yeah they are loud and they work but they sound horrible. IMO of course.
I guess a 5 Series won't be ignored in traffic like a smaller car would. I was thinking street survival instead of cool factor. March on!
Train Horn Pranks
Train horn on a Scion xB.
dude, I love the FIAMMs on the e30. They sound great. I just picked up a second set from a 5-series at a junkyard to put in my WRX (to replace the Hella Supertones). Got them for $2/each at the junkyard
So how often do you guys use your horns, anyway? I can't remember the last time I intentionally did, it's probably been 20 years.
Stebel horns were mentioned in a thread on another board. If you go to the Stebel homepage you can play audio of each model. I'm leaning toward the Nautilus myself.
4/6/12 4:04 p.m.
Manly horn indeed...
My cars usually end up with VW bug horns because I like the way they sound...
In fact the horn is rusted out on my 86 GTi...
Time to replace it...
Just picked up two Caprice Classic horns for the Zx2. Now a clock spring....