I've got a 1991 Miata and I have a question about the two electrical switches that are on the transmission. One of the switches has red wires coming from it and the other switch has green wires coming from it.
I'm assuming one of the switches is the switch to turn on the reverse lights, but which switch does this, and what is the other switch for?
Thanks in advance!
The other one indicates the trans is in neutral. I forget which is which, but it'll only take about 5 seconds with a multimeter to figure it out :)
Thanks for the quick reply, Keith. Maybe I'm missing something, but why does the ECU need to know if the transmission is in neutral? Does this feed into the engine mapping or something?
It's how the ECU knows the car is at idle vs on overrun - it'll cut the fuel on overrun but not at idle. The clutch is wired in as well.