4/18/15 8:58 a.m.
So- while ordering parts for Miyuki last night, I came across new steering wheels. Neat ones, with neo chrome centers. I like neo chrome. However- this removes the airbag from the car. Then I got to thinking, how safe IS a 22 year old air bag? The last set of 22 year old airbags I played with were nothing but trouble...but that's a whole different story. I know safety equipment ages out. Helmets, belts, seats, etc. Would yanking what is effectively a first gen airbag be any less safe than actually leaving it in? Keep in mind the car has already suffered one minor front end impact- so who knows how accurate the impact sensors even could very well be a ticking timebomb.
I am considering doing this as well. I don't think old airbags are safe but I have no evidence to support it.
Leaving it in place is probably safer than taking it out.
Hooking and unhooking airbags that old scares the crap out of me.
Ticking time bomb? Doubtful. A gen 0 airbag was however, something you never wanted to blow up on you to begin with as I understand it.
I'm not fond of the thought of timed out bags and associated stuff weighing down my rigs, but each to their own.
4/18/15 9:37 a.m.
I had a 24 year old airbag go off successfully last month.

They seem to work just fine?
If you're looking for an excuse to put in a gaudy neo-chrome wheel don't let us stop you and make sure you post pics.
4/18/15 10:45 a.m.
With equally gaudy neo quick release!
I wouldn't cite safety as a reason to remove a stock airbag, but I wouldn't let it hold you back at that age either.
I discussed this a few years ago with reps from a very large air bag manufacturer. They said that they've seen nothing to indicate that old airbags are at risk to go off early, nor that they 'expire'. Supposedly they had tested some of the very early models after 30yrs and they worked as designed
New Reader
4/18/15 11:35 a.m.
I see a very small risk of unwanted detonation simply due to age. I never worry about it getting into my 16 year old car.
I'd take a 1st gen airbag hit over a direct head or upper body hit to the steering wheel any day.
4/18/15 11:58 a.m.
The old one might be safer than a newer Takata!
4/18/15 12:04 p.m.
^troof. No metal shrapnel there!
I wouldn't be concerned; those things are overengineered to begin with. If you do want to remove it, I would suggest that since it is an older high power bag that you have your head out of its expansion area when disconnecting it. Be aware also that many older airbag systems had a sizeable capacitor to supply power to the bag in the event that power got cut off. This means that disconnecting the battery does NOT mean the airbag circuit has no power!
Will, sorry to see a slicktop MR2 get crunched like that. Hope you came out of it OK.
Most of my cars don't have airbags. From factory.
I'd argue that Miyuki without an airbag would be at least as safe as those.
I wouldn't worry about it.
It there a legitimate worry about airbags going off simply by unplugging or plugging? There shouldn't be any power to trigger it with the ignition off, especially if the battery is disconnected and the capacitor is discharged. Even if the power was on, wouldn't it still need a signal from the airbag computer? Many cars have airbags disconnect switches for the passenger airbag, and I don't think turning the switches on and off risk setting it off. I unplug the passenger airbag when my 7 year old daughter rides in my Miata. I disconnect the battery and wait a bit. Is there a safer way?
I have removed and replaced many airbags and steering wheels without any of them going off.
The only way I would worry about an airbag not working as designed was if it had been replaced with a new takata one, or the car had been left open and exposed to the elements long enough to ruin the interior
4/18/15 3:17 p.m.

Ok, that would be too distracting methinks... but there's the 12 year old in me that thinks it's an excellent idea.
On a more serious note- 
This is what sparked the idea. At this point i'm pretty well set on tearing out the interior and replacing at least some of it with jade green suede ( I have no idea where i'm getting that, or how to do an interior, but that's for another time) and I want a wheel like this- but I figure on recovering it with the same suede- and doing some tie dye thread to match the neo.....
I plan to replace my 25yr old airbag wheel (NA miata) with a momo monte carlo 350mm
I read extensive studies on airbags a couple years ago, if you are not at the right height/weight/distance from the bag it can cause issues as well was actually shocking to see how "narrow" the actual design window for the airbag was to be more effective than a seatbelt (this is airbag+seatbelt vs just seatbelt)
My guess my racing seat and low mount rail might have moved me into a less desirable spot anyhoo
Can't be any less safe than a half a million mile 4Runner with no airbags at all.
Boost_Crazy wrote:
It there a legitimate worry about airbags going off simply by unplugging or plugging? There shouldn't be any power to trigger it with the ignition off, especially if the battery is disconnected and the capacitor is discharged. Even if the power was on, wouldn't it still need a signal from the airbag computer? Many cars have airbags disconnect switches for the passenger airbag, and I don't think turning the switches on and off risk setting it off. I unplug the passenger airbag when my 7 year old daughter rides in my Miata. I disconnect the battery and wait a bit. Is there a safer way?
I would suggest checking the factory service manual for their recommendations.
Air bag systems can be dangerous and deadly. I went to a Subaru training session where discussion turned to the various changes, one of which was the odometer which comes on when the driver's door is opened. The instructor for the class said that was in response to a situation where an insurance adjuster came out to look at a car whose bags had not deployed, to get the odometer reading it was necessary to turn the ignition on. When he did, the driver bag deployed and broke his neck.
I've been in the car business since 1985, I've never seen a bag deploy accidentally by connection/disconnection but when I remember they are complete self powered systems designed to work even with no external battery power (this includes the new systems, the capacitors are inside the main airbag controller), well I would rather err on the side of safety.
Older air bags do pack a bit more wallop, but it's mostly a danger if you are driving without a seat belt and trusting the air bag to save you. Back then, designers figured that if you weren't using the safety gear properly, it was your own stupid fault.
My experience is that 25 year old air bags are still quite capable of detonating. Plus, they fly a lot higher than the newer, safer air bags if set off out of the vehicle. 
4/20/15 1:22 p.m.
MadScientistMatt wrote:
Older air bags do pack a bit more wallop, but it's mostly a danger if you are driving without a seat belt and trusting the air bag to save you. Back then, designers figured that if you weren't using the safety gear properly, it was your own stupid fault.
My experience is that 25 year old air bags are still quite capable of detonating. Plus, they fly a lot higher than the newer, safer air bags if set off out of the vehicle.
That sounds like two good reasons to pull it to me!