You did use your credit card to pay didn't you? I hope you did. If so get them involved. They should credit your $$$$$ and go after the seller. The whole bier protection plan stuff. Even if ti was a debit MasterCard / visa the protection still applies (at least my bank told me this your millage may vary). Sorry for your bad luck.
Bummer. Google agrees with you about Tiger sucking... right after their own websites and ebay page is "Do Not buy from Tiger" type links.
You mean to say that your tow vehicle at the challenge has 270,000+ miles on it? That thing was clean.
Good for you going after them! I wish more people would man up like you did and post experiences like this on the internet for us to find and save us trouble.
Sorry you got ripped. I bought 3 motors from Watanabe direct or Watanabe supplied to a resaler. Then they had the nerve to go out of business, so I'm JDM supplier-less at the moment. Too bad, as my last 4AGE 20 valve was $250 from them plus shipping, $400 with the C52 trans as the whole thing was pulled from the AE101. It had 60K miles (101KM) on it and I've put 50K miles on it since. So, who is a good JDM supplier these days? I certainly understand your Tiger Japanese Auto Parts Sucks Azz thread.
I don't have much to add, so here's a free bump for sleazy jdm engine dealer thread.
So the company goes by the names of:
Tiger Auto Parts
Tiger Japanese Auto Parts LTD
JDM Tiger Japanese
I just wanted to be sure that they all were listed which may help future people searching.
I'm always suspect of the low mileage claims on imported engines. Yours looks particularly nasty though. Bummer.
Tiger has sucked for years...
whenever I buy used engines, I always assume that they will require a rebuild before use.
maroon92 wrote:
whenever I buy used engines, I always assume that they will require a rebuild before use.
Unless it's for the Challenge, then I just hope for the best and try not to asplode it with too much boost. 
Hey, rebuilds are expensive.
It could be a 35k mile engine that never got an oil change... Although I doubt it would even get that bad.
damn....the inside of my poorly-maintained high-miles engine in my 1970 triumph looks better than that....
irish44j wrote:
damn....the inside of my poorly-maintained high-miles engine in my 1970 triumph looks better than that....
Yeah, but oil never stays inside a Triumph engine long enough to turn to sludge. 
How the berkley do you break a dipstick-inside the engine? Seriously?
I made the mistake of getting a "low miles JDM engine" from tiger japanese for my Z32TT, I should have known when it came with siezed turbo's but I put it in anyway, after diagnosing and repairing a cracked valve seat and dented oil pan it ran fine....... for about a month before a rod started knocking, I wound up rebuilding my 200k engine which showed less wear than the "low milage jdm engine" I'll never buy a motor on a pallet again
That is awful, I'll put out the warning to the locals.
Do you have a lawyer friend?
A letter from a lawyer will get you many things more than some calls from a cross customer.
I wouldn't accept the fact that you had to eat shipping. They sent you junk and they should compensate you 100% for it. Or... I'd do some sue them for false advertising or some crap..
They advertise one thing, and you have enough proof to make a strong case that it is not a low mileage engine.
"approx 25-35k miles" is sketchy. I wish I remebered more from my business law course...
Sorry for your experience but thanks for posting about it so others may avoid the same thing happening to them.
Your essentially buying a junk yard engine, and with that you assume some responsibility that its not always going to be in tip top perfect shape. I understand that its not what you expected, and it most likely is a lesser quality then what other JDM places sell, you hopefully paid half what you would have for a USDM equivalent and can afford a full rebuild. As you would do with any junk yard engine or tranny.
Sorry, but I'm with Guido on this one. That was not an engine in "best" condition, with only 30k miles.
In reply to digdug18:
These guys aren't selling core engines. They're selling these as a drop-in replacement that's ready to go.
Used but not completely shot.
Hell, my local junkyard gives a warranty with their engines. I think it's 500 miles or 1 month whichever is first.
"I've heard" that Japan has laws that extremely encourage people to buy new cars. Got a dent or some rust? Needs to be fixed properly or it won't pass inspection. Over a few years old and the taxes/fix it economics just dictates "pitch it and buy a new one." And as it's an island chain with minimal parking spots anywhere, cars just don't get driven like in the US, so in a few years that car has 35K miles on it, a dent and it ends up in the junkyard. That's how it's supposed to work. Obviously, the total junk engine that Tiger Japanese Auto Parts LTD, sold you didn't fit this profile. And, BTW, always be careful dealing with a "LTD," "Limited," "L.P." business entity. One of those designations is required by law in the name as a warning and they all mean "Limited Partnership," which is legal talk for "good luck getting anything from me in court, sucker."
2/13/10 9:13 a.m.
That intake port scares me!