3/8/12 7:07 a.m.
Yup...went and put down a deposit on the Toyobaru. Delivery between late may and july price in driveway SHOULD be right at 35k.
Compared to the Miata I bought in 1990, this was a faily painless thing to do. After ten years of driving a Protege Toaster, this might be fun.
If you bought a '90 MIata new, the dealerships were often charging up to $3k over sticker. Was the dealer trying any BS Fee on this?
while I have no interest in the toyabaru.. I am still watching this thread. I keep hoping this will bring out more cheapish, lightish, funish cars
I never buy a car without test driving it. Oddly enough, this comment has nothing to do with automobiles.
I'm guessing you bought the Subaru, not the Scion?
We did the same thing with our Solstice GXP vert and gxp coupe. The GXP convertible didn't exist when we placed our order, just the non turbo, but we knew the GXP was coming and they were taking orders. We were able to order it and pick our options which was nice. For the coupe....we just knew the dealer was getting a black GXP coupe, no idea what options or anything. This was after the Pontiac brand had been axed, so it was kind of hard to know what was going on with the car. They just said all the cars were built and in a holding area and would ship eventually....we'll call you when it gets here.
3/8/12 8:47 a.m.
jrw1621 wrote:
If you bought a '90 MIata new, the dealerships were often charging up to $3k over sticker. Was the dealer trying any BS Fee on this?
Actually went the Scion route ecause of this. "No Dicker Sticker" is the policy.The deposit is refundable subject to a test drive or a delivery date past the end of June. Figuring with the 13% tax it should land in my driveway for right around 35k. It is actually more than I wanted to pay, but with the Mustang Convertible having disapointed me and no other car lust in sight, I took a leap.
Dealership will be getting 3 cars. I am second in line. They did not seem at all concerned that I might not want it after a test drive, figuring that there will be a line by then. I should ask if my spot in line is transferable?
When I bought the Miata I had to go all the way to Florida to get one for ONLY full list price. Everyone else wanted 3-4k over and was flat out ignorant about it. That said, the car was worth it.
I remember when the Chrysler PT Cruiser dealers were charging over sticker AND getting it too. YIKES!
I think you are getting a nice car. If Nissan would bring back a cheap RWD car (hint....510) I could see myself leaving a deposit at a dealer too.
Thinking back, that Miata "craze" back in 1989 was a pretty cool time! Few cars drew so much attention as a $13.5k base Miata and amazingly, the "craze" continued for about 2 years. I was happy to be able to finally afford a used Miata in 1992 for $10k. So happy in fact that I still have it today!
Locally, my Honda dealership was the most notorious for this mark up. Of course, those Hondas of the late 80's were some great cars!
35 grand for something you don't know if you'll like? Not me. But I hope you like it.
Edit - I just read your last post and that sounds better. 13% tax? Where do you live, man!
When it arrives, pictures- pronto.
jrw1621 wrote:
Thinking back, that Miata "craze" back in 1989 was a pretty cool time! Few cars drew so much attention as a $13.5k base Miata and amazingly, the "craze" continued for about 2 years. I was happy to be able to finally afford a used Miata in 1992 for $10k. So happy in fact that I still have it today!
Locally, my Honda dealership was the most notorious for this mark up. Of course, those Hondas of the late 80's were some great cars!
That's funny. I didn't buy a Miata in the summer of '90 because of those stupid markups. I bought a '91 CRX si instead at $300 under invoice. 
3/8/12 9:41 a.m.
bravenrace wrote:
35 grand for something you don't know if you'll like? Not me. But I hope you like it.
Edit - I just read your last post and that sounds better. 13% tax? Where do you live, man!
A nice video review like this can remove a lot of doubt:
A refundable deposit on a new car that's a guaranteed sell makes it easier.
both our deposits were refundable as well. They basically said "we don't want to sell you a car you aren't happy with".
3/8/12 11:23 a.m.
No Dicker Sticker may be the Scion motto but I bet the early ones that finds the lot unsold will be hit with every imaginable dealer accessory; also at No Dicker.
In reply to jrw1621:
I thought Scion gave you a check list when you ordered the car? My understanding was that they only kept a couple of cars in inventory on the lot (test drives and want it now people) then built the rest to spec in order to keep costs down.
3/8/12 11:43 a.m.
I actually did the same thing with my ms3. As soon as it was announced, I wandered into the dealer. The only thing anyone knew was color. They didn't even have order sheets. I just said "Here's my money, order me a blue one, and give me all the options" I ended up turning that car down (which was coincidental luck, because the cosmic blue ones are cursed) and buying a black one with less options. They didn't care that I turned it down because they knew damn well there were people in line for that very car. I had sniped a car out of the same dealer a few years prior when I bought my first 3...... so hard that they had 5 offers on it before I had time to sign the paperwork. They managed to sell the 3 of its clone off the truck before it ever arrived ,and the two they got on the truck after that. I miss that car.
oldsaw wrote:
Point #4; Identify the bloke with the fastest looking shoes......