Now that I got my thread back,
I figured I'd give an update!
My biggest concern for this car came down to leaks. Engine, transmission, coolant all showed signs of leaking. For the most part, they were easily solvable. Transmission just needed a new pan and oil ($230.00). The upper radiator hose needed replacing ($46.00) but the oil? THAT E36M3 OIL!
Every morning, I'd come out to see several oil spots directly underneath the crankshaft balancer, or so I thought the leaking was coming from there. I stiill have the engine undertray on , which really masked the true location of the leaking.
Fast-forward two frustrating weeks, and the full might of my Google-Fu, I finally tracked down the source of my leak-i think. It's this little, $3 piece;

THIS son of a itch has shot out at least a half quart of oil all over my snobby, sub-division driveway (YES, I'm a bit pissed at getting a fix-it letter from the HOA man!) The following day, I noticed a WAY smaller spot of oil, which I surmise to be the remnants of the oil batter melting off of a hot engine . Man, this really made my month. Next step is to get that engine cover off and degrease the whole underside of that engine! After the engine's cleaned, I'm on to cosmetics, FINALLY!
I always tell my kids that the inside is always more important than the outside, which is why I concentrated so heavily on the engine/trans. If I didn't, my ridiculously preceptive, 8 y.o. daughter would have totally called me on it (imagine your sister, wife, and mother, all rolled into one, 4'9" package with hands firmly planted on hips). Sorry, have to shake that last one off!
List of cosmetic stuff;
- Flock the headliner/sunroof- New BMW headliner material goes for $260/2.5 yds, which is ridiculous. I can flock my headliner, sunroof cover, and A,B,C pillar for right around 50bux.
- continue dent pulling process- Pulled the larger dents that had paint missing, so I want to finish the rest
- cover slightly faded roof with Vvivid carbon fiber wrap- I may actually make a C.F. skin in the near future, but for now, wrap will not only look good, it'll be cheap.
-purchase new set of wheels/tires- Here's one of my dilemmas. A set of 20" wheels and tires could easily cost $1800-2500-the car was $1800! I'm finding it hard to justify. OTOH, i'll need to replace my front tires, and I cannot imagine paying more for 18" tires than 20" just to place them on wheels that I'm not crazy about.
-Possible aftermarket stereo- The Logic 7 and ASK Unit, manage various aspects of my stereo system. They are slowly taking a dump. The repair kit cost @ $185/shipped from eastern Europe and i'll still need to break open those units and perform the repair, OR pull out my older amps, locate the speaker wires and splice in an Android radio (need to purchase that!)
Down the road, i'll make bespoke c.f. spoilers, as this will be a gauge to see if my style/design skills will be appreciated by others.