The other day I was following some kind of a lawn service truck on divided road–three lanes in each direction.
We were both in the left lane.
As we approached a side street, the truck signaled–not too early and not too late–before merging into the turn lane, braking as necessary, and perfectly executing that left turn.
It was textbook. I clapped.
It's rare, but I always notice a driver that knows where they are going, the capabilities of what they are driving, and they execute their driving while indicating to other drivers before they do so. I know that sounds like I'm in the Indy 500, but it's actual real driving.
Has anyone noticed the uptick in U-turns? I frequent an intersection that the ONLY reason you would u-turn and then turn right is if you missed your turn.
And don't get me started about the light turning green and traffic just sitting there, and super-don't mention 4 way stops. 
Why do I get the finger if I cleanly pass, with early warning and with plenty of room to merge back in place, almost anyone on the road these days?
vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) said:
Why do I get the finger if I cleanly pass, with early warning and with plenty of room to merge back in place, almost anyone on the road these days?
The finger? Nah, they are just letting you know you did a number 1 job passing them safely. It's like a thank you without all the politeness.
1- High beams on cars that are clearly old enough to not have auto brights. When I was younger, if you flashed your highs at an oncoming driver with high beams, they rushed to turn them off. Now they have zero clue.
2- People not matching speed when getting on the highway. They go 45 on an on-ramp and then have to stop because there is some vehicle doing 58 and they couldn't possibly merge. No E36 M3. If you had been going 55, it would have been just a simple nudge of the go-pedal and no one would be put at risk of death.
3- Trucks occupying two lanes to block you from using both lanes until the merge point in a construction zone. I will straight-up use the berm to go around those tiny-hootus jank-wads. The law says to use both lanes until the merge point and then take turns. Just this week, I was in lane #2 at least a half mile before it merged down to one, and A COP darted in front of me to force me into the right lane. A cop. The one person who is supposed to know the law. Good thing the guy behind me was on his toes.
But on the bright side, in my neighborhood there are a ton of 4-way stops. When I see a person stop, look around, and signal if turning, I always wave them ahead if there is any question. Good Karma, driver. You've earned it.
I keep seeing people turning from the lane instead of merging towards the curb and then turning. Drives me crazy.
If I see someone driving in the 2 lane, merge to 1 to pass and then go back I notice. They have a little awareness at least.
I came up in a Mini the other day with a "GB" magnet on the back. As soon and I was behind them they merged over so I could pass. It was beautiful
3/31/23 2:59 p.m.
Don't get me going on roundabouts. It's like they entered the Walmart parking lot! It's just a chicane!!!!
3/31/23 6:53 p.m.
Was driving on a lane that merges 2->1. There was a kid in a Focus RS behind me, charging hard. I gave him a point buy and he executed a very clean pass with room to spare, then proceeded to haul dicks down the next 2 miles of road. I wasn't mad.