Ok so, what class would an evo with a full exhaust, tune, upgraded cam, subframe brace, springs, and a few other mods fall. This is a novice so I know it doesn't matter to much. I was thinking ASP, but I bet XP. He's running stock wheels and tires. The DP is a wastegate vent to atmosphere type. I'll find out more, but I'm pretty sure that's everything. Don't think I'm going to get to wrench on the fiero, but might be able to come get a look for a few (2 babies makes staying any where away from home long a chore).
6/16/09 2:47 p.m.
Oh, you're bringing babies? Strike that, you're not invited.
Just kidding, of course you can still come!
...as long as the babies stay in the car. 
6/16/09 2:47 p.m.
Ummmm, dude it's a Porsche Club event. If the car doesn't say Stuggart on it somewhere, it's in the "Non-Porsche" class.
We also have to at least visit Nascho since he's apparently on house arrest and can't walk the 3 miles to the track to race or watch. 

6/16/09 2:51 p.m.
P71 wrote:
Ummmm, dude it's a *Porsche* Club event. If the car doesn't say Stuggart on it somewhere, it's in the "Non-Porsche" class.
We also have to at least visit Nascho since he's apparently on house arrest and can't walk the 3 miles to the track to race or watch. 

You keep poking fun and playing race car driver, I'll keep building a car. We can't all bail on the west coast event, now can we? Making an AWD Fiero in less than a month doesn't allow for many play dates. If I'm really lucky, I'll have the car in good enough shape to drive around on electricity without any training wheels by Saturday. A boy can dream!
6/16/09 2:57 p.m.
Hey man, I would love to go to the West Coast Challenge. All else fails I'll grab the RX-7's receipt book and blast down there. Hell, if I can swing it I'll fly down and just spectate and support.
But reality is I just started a new job and am in my last year of college plus both of the girlfriend's sisters are pregnant, so I'm under "pressure" you could say. That's why I'm doing so much racing this year because in all likelihood I'll be AWOL from it for awhile soon.
I will definitely drag wherethefmi to your place to have a look see and watch the maiden voyage though. At least we can provide immoral support to our local car builder. 
Where's fiat22turbo? Doesn't he live in Portland? Maybe we should start another thread...