I could fit drivers up to 6'8" with a helmet and 6'11" without in my C5. You won't have the seat all the way back.
I could fit drivers up to 6'8" with a helmet and 6'11" without in my C5. You won't have the seat all the way back.
Well I'm having a tough time getting the wife on board with a Z06. She's got her sights set on another Subaru (either an STi or a BRZ) or a new Mustang GT...
I guess there are worse problems in the world to have...
bluescooby wrote: Well I'm having a tough time getting the wife on board with a Z06. She's got her sights set on another Subaru (either an STi or a BRZ) or a new Mustang GT... I guess there are worse problems in the world to have...
Point out the practical lower insurance bill compared to the others
Explain that you are the man and that she has to obey your direction.
And then run like the frickin wind
That is a formidable car for that money that you can probly basically own for the cost of tires. I'd consider one if I could get past the idea that it would make me "a vette guy". I'd have to put seats and a steering wheel in it though.
carbon wrote: That is a formidable car for that money that you can probly basically own for the cost of tires. I'd consider one if I could get past the idea that it would make me "a vette guy". I'd have to put seats and a steering wheel in it though.
What about the C6 non-Z06 models? Take her for a test drive in one of the removable roof (non-convertible) ones. Although, a test drive in a C5 Z06 would accomplish the same goal I suppose.
This thread (and the one about buying race cars) had me thinking very hard about buying the 2006 Z06 race car that I found on the SCCA classified ads page. Then, sadly, the real world called and I realized that was a stupid idea.
If the car is going to be primarily driven by you, just say,"Hun, since I'm going to be the one driving the new car, it's going to have to be chosen by me, sorry."
If that doesn't work, tell her that the BRZ is the superior car to the STI and especially the new Mustang GT.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote: If that doesn't work, tell her that the BRZ is the superior car to the new Mustang GT.
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