12/17/10 10:24 a.m.
In the midst of talking with the wife about my replacement car (which has been specified as a 2002 or newer, 5-door hatch/wagon, with a stick) we briefly touched on new cars. Neither of us have ever owned a brand new one, and really don't have a desire to. However, I realized that Mazda Motorsports has an S-Plan thing to buy a new Mazda...
So I've been thinking about that all night. I added up all the repairs that we've had to do to DD's over the years (granted we've never had a DD with less than 75K miles) and the whole worry-free warranty business. Basically, since I'm going to keep this car for ~10 years new actually kind of makes sense if the price is good enough.
So, has anybody used the S-Plan before? Is it any good? What kind of discount on a MS3 are we talking here?
Sorry for all the what car threads since September, but if I'm going to make payments I want to do this right... Otherwise I'd just buy another P71 and you guys don't want that now, do you? 
12/17/10 10:31 a.m.
Very nice discounts. You get the car at dealer cost. When I priced out the prior MS3, the cost was $3-4k below MSRP.
For a DD that you will keep for a number of years, an inexpensive new car is a great approach.
The new Mazda2 was pretty impressive. About as large as the 3 in some ways.
12/17/10 10:39 a.m.
I like the 2, but it is smaller than what I actually need. It's sucked to have to borrow the MIL's Forester all the time. The 3 is that "just right" size, especially for kids.
Thanks for the advice. $3-$4K below MSRP is a pretty good deal, and considering I'll put less than 10K a year on it it'll take me 5 years to make it to where the used ones miles are now, which are priced $15-$20K anyways.
Type Q
12/17/10 10:46 a.m.
The first rule of S-Plan. DON'T talk about S-Plan!! 
12/17/10 11:32 a.m.
Did I recently see something that says the S-Plan isn't just available to Motorsports team members and their family, but to friends as well?
I think it's just for Mazda Motorsports members and their families, if they opened it to friends also, I think it would get abused and Mazda would loose a LOT of coin if anyone who knew a Mazda Motorsports member could knock a few thousand off the purchase price
12/17/10 12:22 p.m.
Yes mazda motorsports S-plan pricing is available to friends. (They sent out an email early this year letting people know that)
From what I have read if you like to haggle you can get close or even beat S-Plan pricing but it is a nice easy way to get the pricing.
I used s-plan on my Miata 11 years ago. I qualified via a different route.
Didn't know that MMS members would qualify.
12/17/10 1:11 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
I used s-plan on my Miata 11 years ago. I qualified via a different route.
Didn't know that MMS members would qualify.
Yup. They send an e-mail every once in awhile reminding them of it as well. And yes, this year it is open to friends as well. Anybody need one besides me? (I'm an MMS member)
I used to be elidgable for the "S" plan through my employer,but since Ford has cut back its affiliation with the winged M it seems I don't qualify anymore. It's too bad as I was just looking at a left over MS3,and if I could get it for around $21k I might think about it. Now I just need to sell off the RX-3 SP wreak. Please someone buy my car!!!!
Mazdax605 wrote:
I used to be elidgable for the "S" plan through my employer,but since Ford has cut back its affiliation with the winged M it seems I don't qualify anymore. It's too bad as I was just looking at a left over MS3,and if I could get it for around $21k I might think about it. Now I just need to sell off the RX-3 SP wreak. Please someone buy my car!!!!
Mazda's web site says that we can still get one per year, personally, but nobody inside has any idea.
So the tables may have turned a lot- I'm still hoping the ND is a worthy replacement of my NB, and want to get S plan. Javelin? 
12/17/10 3:29 p.m.
Shoot me a PM if you really need one. They just sent me the e-mail again a few weeks ago so they obviously want it used.
I'm considering an S-plan buy on a new Mazda 2, but I'm not sure how much they will discount a car at that end of the market.
Javelin wrote:
Shoot me a PM if you really need one. They just sent me the e-mail again a few weeks ago so they obviously want it used.
I suspect it may be a while- the 2012's are not due out for some time,and the Miata continues to be a rumor.
But I sure appreciate it!
Would there be any way of finding out S-plan pricing on several models?
I'm looking at a stripper manual 2, a stripper manual hatch 3, and a ms3.
Just considering options. 
12/22/10 8:09 a.m.
S-Plan pricing is the actual dealer Invoice price. Find that out and you have your S-Plan. Also, all rebates and holdbacks can apply on top of it. I can get an 11 MS3 right now for $21,344 with the S-Plan, Mazda Loyalty Cash, and the Dealer Holdback.
12/22/10 11:28 a.m.
Nice price. Mazda does take care of its racers. 
I just went by the local Mazda dealer today at lunch,and spoke with the internet salesman who I had been trading emails with. His manager said they could go $20999 on a 2010 Speed3 w/o tech package that they have left on the lot which is about $300+ less than they said in email. Sounds like a sweet deal to me,but I have to think about taking on a payment. They also have an R3 RX-8 that has been on the lot since the summer that they could go $26700 on before the end of the year. A sweet deal for sure,but still a lot of money for me.