11/12/16 3:28 p.m.
Picked up a 2003 Chevy S10, 4 cylinder, autotragic trans runaround truck a couple of weeks ago. She'll likely be my to/from work daily driver, but will have to live outside as the garage is full of other stuff with motors in them.
With winter approaching, I'm thinking a simple remote starter might be a good thing to add, if I can do it for a low (as in about $75 or less) cost, which means self installed I'm guessing. Just need the starter, no functions beyond that so install SHOULD be pretty straightforward - I think.
Any experiences / suggestions to pass along from those who have taken this job on before? Thanks in advance !!
Automatic transmission makes it much easier. Does the truck have some sort of factory immobilizer? If yes, that will be the hardest part.
Other than that, you basically just need to find your battery constant, ign, acc, start, brake light, and tach wires. Park light wires too if you want them on when it's remote started, and power locks if you've got them.
Watching this with interest, as I'm considering getting my daughter one for her Focus for Christmas.
I have kids so they are my remote starter. 
I've installed three of them, and it's really not bad. That said, your S10 uses chip keys and you will either have to tape one to the inside of the steering column or get the bypass module. The remote start plus the bypass module price is too close to the flat installed price to be worth the time doing it yourself.
I installed a Python remote starter kit that also replaced the factory keyless entry.
This is what it took to get around the factory alarm/immobilizer on my Volvo. Folks kept asking, and a picture is worth a 1000 yards, so I made this diagram long ago.

11/13/16 2:43 p.m.
How can I tell if my S10 has a chip key? I recall seeing a small black "nub" on other later model GM key blades in the past (which I believe is the chip), but my keys don't have this.
Also, my S10 is probably the most basic model. Crank windows, manual door locks, rubber floor mats, probably not a single option. Maybe that makes it easier??
Being an '03 yours will have the Passlock II system in it and require a bypass module to get around it.
Like this.
Here's the wiring list for your truck. Just use a multimeter to make sure you have the right wire. I prefer to solder my connections, please don't use T-Taps.
I used to install these things for a living when I was 18-19 so I have plenty of experience with them if you need more help.