In 40 plus years of playing with cars I've never had much to do with automatic transmissions.My son's Subaru Outback's transmission is acting up. When he shifts from reverse to drive it will hesitate, and then goes into gear after 3 or 4 seconds. It lurches when it goes in. After that it appears to function normally. Where should I start to cure this, if possible, or is the transmission getting ready for the junkyard. Does it need a flush, or add some Lucas magic potion? Input please.
I can't comment on your specific issue, but the worst experience I have had with a transmission repair show was when I was trying to get my impreza's automatic rebuilt. It was in and out of the shop 5 different times before I went somewhere else.
No matter what they did or promised it would puke its nearly off of its fluid out on the road at freeway speeds.
That was the last stupid automatic trans I will ever own.
My wife's current auto Forester behaved similarly when low on fluid. Topping it up helped, a fluid and filter change cured it. Hasn't been back since.
In reply to ValuePack:
Well, that sounds like as good a place as any to start. I topped it up myself a week ago, so I'll check to make sure the level is still good and then look into changing the fluid and filter. Thanks.
I have saved numerous transmissions by a simple fluid and filter change.
DeadSkunk wrote:
In reply to ValuePack:
Not a problem. What year and how many miles on the car? Is it slipping at all, or is it just the lengthy hang between changes? Any chatter when it eventually catches?
Subaru's automatics are somewhat robust in terms of taking abuse and neglect, if not a little archaic in the case of the four speed 4EAT; the 5EAT seems quite a bit nicer to use, though I haven't yet heard anything good or bad relating to the longevity of them. Internet lore says the 4s last 125-150k miles if driven nicely on little to no maintenance provided that the unit hasn't been run desperately low on fluid, and ~250k best case if maintained perfectly.
Unless it's slipping when driving too, this just sounds like low pressure due to crud in the fluid and/or an impacted filter. Change out for fresh stuff and see where that leaves you. If it's still acting up(I doubt it will), have a competent transmission guy (I'm not one, I just play a mildly informed one on the internet) take a look. Could just be a lazy solenoid.
I should wake up before posting, I'd have blabbed on about all this earlier.
It's a 1999 with 110,000 miles on it. It had been sitting for almost two years before my son bought it this past summer. It was fine for several months and just started doing this around Thanksgiving. After you shift into "Drive" there's a lengthy delay. He'll give it a little throttle and it drops into gear with a lurch, but then it seems to work fine. I was told that the bank he bought it from had had all the fluids changed, but I'd be surprised if they flushed the transmission.
Oh, it sat! A primary focus for me when reinstating an old car with a slushbox into service that has been dormant for ages is to change tranny fluid and filter. The junk in the fluid tends to settle into the pan, then is all sucked up into the filter all at once, blocking fluid flow. I've seen more than one(not Subarus, mind) that wouldn't move at all after a lengthy sit, but worked perfectly after a service.
Do your swap, it should be just fine.
Had a warmer day yesterday, so i went out and drained the Subaru transmission a couple of times. Everything is working normally this morning.
Thanks Gang !
Glad to hear it all worked out well for you! Enjoy.