- I like my S197 Mustang.
- I don't like that I can't carry my upright bass in it.
- 3 month old baby is a mild PITA to put in the back of the Mustang, though not enough that I would get rid of the car.
- Any alternate DD's would ideally get better mileage and would need to be close in price to the Mustang - Let's say $10k cap.
- Needs to have a manual transmission.
That last one is a gotcha for a lot of options. The 540 Touring has the balls, but only available with the automatic. The 530 is available with a manual, but it's only the 6.
A WRX Wagon could very well be the right answer, except I had one and didn't particularly like it. If I were to repeat I'd go Saabaru (which fixes the thing I disliked most on the WRX - the looks), but I feel like that's still just going the same place I've been and didn't like.
A CTS-V Wagon is the right answer, except for being 4X my budget.
A Magnum could maybe be right. I mean, if you were to describe a Mustang Wagon, that's kinda what you end up with. That said, the styling sure has aged quickly, and I get the impression they are kinda shoddily put together.
And then a buddy mentioned the Volvo V70R. As close as makes no difference to the power I currently have. Decent styling. Gobs of space. Daddy hauler cred. And top of the list - available with a manual.
So, who has one, why do you love it, why do you hate it, how ballsy is it really, is the AWD going to make it puke trannies like I was always scared of in the WRX, etc?
and id add real world milage and maintenance costs, as im seriously considering dumping my p5 and getting one.
dave just beat me to the learn me thread
Good luck finding one with a stick for sale, let alone at $10K.
Very hard to find with a manual. But they do exist. I don't think I have ever seen the earlier style with a stick. They all tend to have angle gear problems, so knowing service history is a big plus. The later gen version makes huge power and is hilarious to drive. I am a dyed-in-the-wool manual guy and I would happily suffer with the slushbox in one of those things.
A buddy of mine has a lovely electric blue one with the crazy electric blue leather. It's crazy cool. A DUI backed into it at a gas station last week and he's talking about selling now. Still, I think it would be north of the $10k level.
And probably worth it. Outside of a brand new AMG Merc wagon this car may be the historical high-water mark for the gasoline powered estate car.
At the risk of being sniped, here's the one that has caught my eye -
5/8/14 4:57 p.m.
What's Atacama leather? Is it from a lama from the Atacama desert? Please explain.
I assume it's Swedish for orange.
maj75 wrote:
What's Atacama leather? Is it from a lama from the Atacama desert? Please explain.
Sort of an orange-y tan. Pretty desirable in the Volvo world.
Wasn't there some threads on here, some time ago, that sum these cars up as awesome but with a steady diet of expensive parts?
Atacama is the orange leather. I think it may also be a higher quality leather than the other colors.
On the 2004- I don't think the angle gear is much of an issue unlike on the previous generation cars. What does fail is the spline shaft that connects the transmission to the angle gear. I think the 2006 and on spline shaft is suppose to be slightly better. Check out for more info.
I average mid 20s mpg. If a tank is mostly highway I can get close to 30. If it is mostly city I get low 20s.
If you are shopping for one there is a way to check if there are any codes stored without a code reader. It involves pressing the fog light or driving light button if I remember correctly. It won't tell you what exactly is wrong but will let you know if there is an issue in any of the modules. Unfortunately I can't remember the exact button sequence off the top of my head.
New Reader
5/8/14 6:33 p.m.
Legacy GT/Outback XT/Forester XT? All can be had with a stick, and are around 10 grand. Although, even in Limited trim, they're not as nice inside as the Volvo.
All just different versions of the WRX I had and punted on.
The RN White Block has proven itself capable of very respectable power numbers with stock internals.
Tune, turbo, injectors, exhaust, on an otherwise stock engine:
Atacama = skinned and tanned George Hamilton. I fail to see the attraction. BMW likes it too.
The angle drive should come out every 75,000 miles to have the drive spline lubricated. Luckily, thats about when the oring on the turbo drain starts to leak, and it can't be fixed with the angle drive in place, so 2 birds, one stone.
First thing, if it hasn't been done- google, and then remove the exhaust bracket of death.

300hp AWD Turbo Wagon? Nah, you'd hate it.
Ian F
5/9/14 8:11 a.m.
Given my experience with my ex-g/f's '96 850 turbo wagon, a old modern Volvo scares the crap out of me. If you buy one, make sure you have another reliable car to drive when (not if) it's broken. She averages in the high-teens in MPG, but hers is an automatic although only FWD and she has a lead foot.
Ian F
5/9/14 8:14 a.m.
dyintorace wrote:
maj75 wrote:
What's Atacama leather? Is it from a lama from the Atacama desert? Please explain.
Sort of an orange-y tan. Pretty desirable in the Volvo world.
That color is common for 1800ES interiors. Mine is that color, my ex's is that color, plus a few others I know of. I'd love to find a set of those seats to install in my ES.
Paging Fox Trapper.
I test drove the sedan version of the blue wagon above a few years ago and I really liked it. The wagon would cure the only real issue I had with the car, the rear doors were designed in such a way that it was hard to get a car seat in and out.
If you are not scared of Swedes how about a look at a SAAB 9-5 Aero wagon? They are much easier to find with a stick and are easy to get 300 + hp out of.
pics of bass or ban.
Psychobilly or jazz?
Also you gotta love the sound of the 5cyl. Even my girlsfriends jetta (slow) sounds great.
5/9/14 9:18 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
There's a woman I encounter on my morning commute with the EVOLVE sedan version of that car in that color. She's not bad looking either, but it's the car that tingles my tingly bits. If I had her car in wagon format, and I'd probably have to pull over for a few minutes every time I drove it.

This is ours. 2006 version. I like it ok. Wish it was a manual. Just spent $$$ to repair the a/c system (70k miles currently). My wife's DD.

dyintorace wrote:
This is ours. 2006 version. I like it ok. Wish it was a manual. Just spent $$$ to repair the a/c system (70k miles currently). My wife's DD.
Confirmation on the cosmetic value of tinted windows. Now to photochop a 1.5" drop....