Thinking about buying a bug, (not for myself), 2000 to 2005 vintage. I've read about problems with 1.8T, so TDI or 2.0. The TDI command a premium around here so are they worth it? Other problems I should know about?
Thinking about buying a bug, (not for myself), 2000 to 2005 vintage. I've read about problems with 1.8T, so TDI or 2.0. The TDI command a premium around here so are they worth it? Other problems I should know about?
Why Bug?
They are essentially the same platform as a GTI, with additional functional compromises to achieve the shape.
They are heavier
They lost all that wonderful hatchback storage space.
Fewer engine and performance suspension options.
Does anyone really need a dashboard they can sleep on??
If you like them, that's fine. But I am curious why. (Probably my own biases)
Interior is absolute crap. Just about every surface is plastic and the paint on said plastic will peel. Switch gear (plastic of course)fall apart. Window regulators fail at an alarming rate, but that goes for any euro car these days. Great headroom if you are 7+ feet tall, otherwise lots of wasted space. Dashboard is about 5 foot deep too. Again, more wasted space.
Otherwise it's a fantastic car
Sorry, I've been working on them since they came out and am obviously not a fan.
resale has plateaued because there's always some cheerleader willing to disregard common sense and pay up.
no other redeeming qualities.
Cone_Junkie wrote: Interior is absolute crap. Just about every surface is plastic and the paint on said plastic will peel. Switch gear (plastic of course)fall apart. Window regulators fail at an alarming rate, but that goes for any euro car these days. Great headroom if you are 7+ feet tall, otherwise lots of wasted space. Dashboard is about 5 foot deep too. Again, more wasted space. Otherwise it's a fantastic carSorry, I've been working on them since they came out and am obviously not a fan.
I can vouch for the bad window regulators. At the salvage yard it's impossible to find a Beetle with switches that aren't completely borked. I don't know why VW would so cheap out and ruin their reputation like that. I would never own one.
belteshazzar wrote: ...because there's always some cheerleader willing to disregard common sense and give out.
My only experience with the new Bug was on a snowy day. The dash is so deep and the seat so far back that you have no side vision, the wipers only clear the end of the tunnel. This may not be a factor in your area, but for the money a GTi is just wicked hotter.
Oh shucks, I was already to talk about the Bug (ac VW).
The new Beetle, Never could figure why anyone would buy one of those.
My seventy-year-old mother got a 2004 because she loved her old beetles. I think she liked driving it, but my Dad hated taking care of it. Particularly when it went out of warranty and he paid out the nose for an alternator and a few other things. +1 on the interior falling apart.
She only put about 30k miles in 9 years. They sold it and bought a new Civic, which they both hated-- noisy, cheap and not comfortable to ride in. I drove it and was equally unimpressed.
They just sold the Civic and bought a used CTS.
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