2/2/25 4:57 p.m.
In March of last year, I saw that Indy-Guy had one of his Priuses for sale here on the forum right when my sister was looking for a new car. She's not a car person and she teaches grade and middle school, so not a limitless budget. Anyway, she bought that Prius and he told her that he'd warranty the cells in the battery for a year. The cars been great for her and she's loved it. While I was gone in Florida, one of the cells started getting weak and throwing codes and stuff. He told her to bring it up and he'd swap out the cell.
Yesterday morning, she headed out and at the IN state line, the car freaked out and went into limp mode. Indy-Guy drove all the way down there with the Armada and his tow dolly and towed the car back to his place. Apparently, he was also able to find time between working on the Miata/Volvo amalgamation to swap that cell out so that my sister could come back up today and take the car home.
And I found out about the whole thing when I came over here for family dinner this afternoon.
Thanks for taking care of my little sister! You're a real stand-up dude and I absolutely owe you!
Stand up guy; kudos to him
He's a great guy and his kids were fantastic too!
In reply to wae :
I'm sitting here blushing, no need to thank me. I was just sticking to my word.
..... As I was telling Indy-Wife as I walked out the door yesterday: "I'm off to be the type of man the world needs more of. I'll see you in a few hours"
In reply to wae :
I understand she was heading to your party today
2/2/25 8:12 p.m.
In reply to Indy - Guy :
Actually, it's my brother's birthday, but I'll pass that along!
I often tell my "better half" about the content of different threads here on the GRM forum. She often asks why do I always talk about the GRM forum and asked if I've ever met any of the folks that I mention. I met Tim Suddard decades ago and have kept in touch with him over the years and I did get to meet Curtis73 once when he stopped by the house. Other than those 2 gentleman, I don't know anyone from here, but I feel like everyone one of you are family. It's weird, but it's like we know so much about each other just because of this site. I've also often told her that is anyone ever needed a hand with something, was stuck within a few hours drive, needed something picked up, towed or looked at, I'd have no problem doing it. It seems like this place has stayed the same and not gone the FB route because of the people who reside here, the things we have in common and the life experiences. Reading this thread just reinforces what I've known for years, car people are good people and GRM people are THE BEST of those car people. Everyone keep doing it the way you're doing it. Please don't change!
2/2/25 9:37 p.m.
In reply to Indy - Guy :
Oh, and let's be totally clear, here: Sticking to your word was "bring the car back and I'll replace the cell in the battery". Dropping everything to come and provide rescue was going way above and beyond. You're a real mensch!
Indy - Guy and the family is a great group. I still remember sitting down at dinner with all of them as a highlight of my life.
GRM is like the Mayberry of the internet.
We need more GRMs in the world.
11 months on a year warranty is Stand-Up Behaviour.
Dropping everything to retrieve the vehicle hours away and fix it is World Class. Kudos!
Stuff like this makes me so proud of the GRM community :)
Love and puppy kisses to all.
2/5/25 12:44 a.m.
Outstanding. Kudos to a stand-up guy!