I've decided to buy a topper for my truck, a 2002 Silverado 1500 4x4 with an 8' bed. I don't really haul hay or mulch anymore, and I would love to have a place to sleep at the track or in the woods that isn't a tent. So my use case is: big place to put stuff to keep it dry, occasional spot for me and my wife to sleep. I don't plan to do a "camper build" - when I sleep in it I'll just bring a mattress and a sleeping bag. It seems to me that there are two types that could work for me:
Type 1: The classic fiberglass cap.
Pros: Looks good, very simple, maximum under roof space for cargo like furniture.
Cons: Hard to find one for a long bed Chevy, color probably won't match so I'll have to paint it. No space for keeping tools or random truck junk.
Type 2: The contractor cap
Pros: The toolboxes on the side would be good for keeping all the random truck things - ratchet straps, tarps, etc. - that currently clutter the cab. Probably more secure, easy to accessorize. The rear door configuration could be nice.
Cons: Uglier, though a non-white low-roof example like the one I linked might look pretty good. Not sure about installation. Less room inside for big cargo.
What says the hive? Are there aspects or options I haven't considered? I'm leaning classic fiberglass but honestly I could be swayed either way.
No Time
3/17/24 12:17 a.m.
Based on your intended use, I would go with the classic fiberglass cap. Make sure it has windows you can open and screens so you can have airflow when camping. you can always build a drawer set or storage along the wheel wells to keep stuff without losing space for sleeping.
I went classic fiberglass for the exact same use case with my gmt400.
Finally found my shell in martinsville Virginia on Facebook marketplace. Wife and i made a date of going for it.
I found a really nice ARE camper top with rear door hatch but it got sold out from underneath me just before I could get there. Like this:

The rear also opened like a hatch. It seemed like the best of both worlds but I doubt I'll find another for my make and model in my price range.
In reply to AMiataCalledSteve :
The hardest part of shopping for a used one of these is what keyword to search for listings.
Tops, toppers, caps, campers, shells, etc
A friend had one like the burgundy one above. Pretty slick. She especially liked that the rear glass door allowed for easier rear view to the trailer hitch when backing. Of course, this was before rear cameras.
Another piece of advice, if you plan to get back there and sleep in the bed, any cap with additional height will be greatly appreciated. The standard doesn't really give much room for sitting up or moving around. Of course, be mindful that the taller will likely not fit in a garage...if that is a thing.
3/17/24 6:01 p.m.
I searched FBM for a while until I found what I wanted. Fiberglass with the opening side windows (windoors) that also had the sliding windows with screens. They are definitely handy for getting stuff into and out of the bed without crawling all the way in.

John Welsh said:
The hardest part of shopping for a used one of these is what keyword to search for listings.
Tops, toppers, caps, campers, shells, etc
You're not wrong. Around here, for who knows what crazy reason, it is a canopy.
Canopy? I have not heard that one. That makes me think of the soft ones...which can be a good look, when done right.

That was my thought exactly when I heard it for the first time. But somehow it refers to anything that isn't a slide-in camper. "Topper" seems to be an allowable alternate.
SV reX
3/17/24 8:55 p.m.
I've had both.
The contractor cap is really small inside. Those toolboxes take up space. Plus, if you wanna sleep back there, it would be easy to whack your head on the toolboxes when you are trying to get up.
I currently have a nice ARE fiberglass topper. I bought it new. It has windows on both sides, and the front window opens too (makes cleaning the glass easier). Mine has the medium height (like the maroon one above). There is a higher one, but it looks awful. The medium height one is a nice compromise. Mine is color matched to the truck. My idea building this truck was I wanted a nice sport truck with the ability to work out of it. Kinda stealth. I accomplished it- it works great!!
I do make an effort to be careful when I am lifting things out the side windows. I don't like the idea of dragging something heavy over the window frame. So far, so good. I've had it for about 5 years and it still looks fantastic.
SV reX
3/17/24 8:57 p.m.
Side benefit of the medium height topper... the "hump" always makes it easy to find my truck in a big parking lot!
SV reX
3/17/24 8:59 p.m.
I bought the nice sport roof racks when I bought mine. I took them off the truck almost immediately. They are strong enough to be really functional, and they had an annoying whistle at highway speed.
3/17/24 9:09 p.m.
I went with the typical fiberglass cap for my Ram. Haven't tried camping in it but I think it'll be adequate.
Well, it looks like the one that got away might be mine after all! I'll be driving 3.5 hours tomorrow afternoon to get this:

The guy who beat me to it doesn't have the right truck for it so he's passing it along to me! I'm pretty excited to have found one that should fit my truck exactly.
Seems like a good price too. Around here, $200 buys rough. $600 buys nicer but simple. Deluxe runs near $1k
I agree, I haven't found many others this good at this price around here, excluding the rare hatch option. I was pretty crushed when I thought I had just missed it. It apparently has a headliner too.
SV reX
3/18/24 9:01 p.m.
In reply to AMiataCalledSteve :
Great find! Congrats!
In reply to SV reX :
Please post a photo of your truck and cap.
In reply to AMiataCalledSteve :
That's a crazy good deal. I've been casually looking for one for my Tacoma, and any halfway decent one around here is asking two grand. New ones are ridiculously expensive.
SV reX said:
I bought the nice sport roof racks when I bought mine. I took them off the truck almost immediately. They are strong enough to be really functional, and they had an annoying whistle at highway speed.
Wrap a length of paracord around the perpendicular bars. Breaks up the airflow and quiets them way way down.
I used to sleep in the back of my F250 with a camper shell - fiberglass, sliding windows with screens, standard height.
What I liked: It was easy in, easy out, easy setup. Nice spot to pee kneeling on the tailgate without putting on shoes. Looked like any other truck. Up off the ground so no worries about finding a smooth and level and soft spot.
What I didnt like: I slept on the bed of the truck, and it was steel. Steel is COOOLLLLDDD. Even with a Thermarest and a good bag, it was colder than a tent. There isnt much insulation in these things and for the most part it is a single wall construction. It got damp if it was remotely humid. It was hot and didnt cool down like a tent when it was hot. No privacy if you have a sleeping platform unless you have dorky curtains. If you slept anywhere with lights, it was bright. You had to empty out your camper shell to make a bed. Not as big of an issue with an 8' bed as you still have 2 feet for storage. But if you occassionally haul firewood or greasy stuff, it was not a real nice place to sleep.
If I had to do it again I would build a sleeping platform. If I was buying a shell, I would buy a Go-Fast-Camper or a Flip-Pac with dedicated sleeping quarters.
SV reX
3/18/24 10:39 p.m.
93gsxturbo said:
SV reX said:
I bought the nice sport roof racks when I bought mine. I took them off the truck almost immediately. They are strong enough to be really functional, and they had an annoying whistle at highway speed.
Wrap a length of paracord around the perpendicular bars. Breaks up the airflow and quiets them way way down.
Don't care enough.
Those racks may be good for hauling skis, but they are not sturdy enough for hauling ladders or lumber, so they don't do me much good. When the time comes to sell the truck, the buyer will get a brand new pair of roof racks.
(They do look cool)
SV reX
3/19/24 7:38 a.m.
In reply to Woody (Forum Supportum) :
Here you go: