Trans_Maro said:
How many of you guys saying "get a haircut" are the same guys who were defending cargo shorts and Crocs a short while ago?
Not me. Crocs are the first sign of giving up. Crocs with socks, well, let's not go there.
Long hair is a pain in the ass. Female, male, cat, dog, doesn't matter.
Streetwiseguy said:
I was hoping to be the first to say, "Get a haircut and get a real job, hippie." but I see I'm too late.
The combination of rolling over my hair with a creeper, body temperature control and male pattern baldness led to my haircut. Saves money, too. I haven't paid for a bottle of shampoo since my daughters moved out.
It's a combover to cover the bald spot between my head and my back.
7/16/18 5:01 p.m.
When i had long hair i ALWAYS had it tied back in a ponytail unless i was trying to make girls jealous that my hair was nicer. When i bent over any moving parts or got on a creeper i would stuff my ponytail inside my shirt.
STM317 said:
AWSX1686 said:
honestly I would love a beanie that was made of under armor or something similar.
They make tons of those.

I use one of these. They are made to sit on your head under a football helmet. Breath well and do not contribute to too much additional sweat/ head heat.
I usually tie mine up in a bun and then wear a surgical cap. They're designed to fit over ALL of your hair so, unlike a bandana, they provide a lot of coverage. This is the one I wear, but choose the pattern you like best.

mine, before balding set in, went down to my waist. I would braid it
I haven't had long hair for about 20 years (I wore a lot of ballcaps back then), but this thread immediately made me think of the best song about long hair....
(tiny bit NWS)
In reply to irish44j :
a little less radical Almost Cut My Hair Crosby Stills Nash.
penultimeta said:
I usually tie mine up in a bun and then wear a surgical cap. They're designed to fit over ALL of your hair so, unlike a bandana, they provide a lot of coverage. This is the one I wear, but choose the pattern you like best.

Surgical cap, nice. Will have to check those out!
EastCoastMojo said:
Bun under moisture wicking do rag FTW
That looks really promising! Thanks!
I would put it in a "bun" sort of thing with a hair tie and put a welding cap over the top. Kind of like this one:

I cut it all off around 2009 (well, had a friend shave it into a mohawk at a Lemons race. That was fun) and haven't missed it since. Too much work.
7/17/18 11:50 a.m.
Down the shirt.
My hair is just past my shoulderblades.
EastCoastMojo said:
Bun under moisture wicking do rag FTW
Follow up, this one did not work out for me. Way too small for my head.
AWSX1686 said:
penultimeta said:
I usually tie mine up in a bun and then wear a surgical cap. They're designed to fit over ALL of your hair so, unlike a bandana, they provide a lot of coverage. This is the one I wear, but choose the pattern you like best.

Surgical cap, nice. Will have to check those out!
Follow up, this one is the winner so far. Roomy enough to contain all the hair and can be tightened as much or as little as necessary to accommodate head sizes. I look really goofy wearing it because I put it on backwards to contain my hair better, but it works.

What is this "hair" of which you speak? Not familiar with the term.
I no longer have hair.. so.. Jealous...
I just don't use creepers. If it gets dirty, it gets dirty. Mankind built showers for a reason.
Ponytail + cap for me.
I hesitate to cut my hair lest I find out how much I've actually got left.
8/8/18 4:51 p.m.
Ponytail, bandana, then tuck the ponytail up into the bandana
Once had a shop teach talk about how his hair got stuck in a drill presses spindle. He said it took 2 surgeries to stitch his scalp back on.. After that I cut my long hair.
Last time I had my hair down past my shoulders was machine shop class in high school. I cut it because I got tired of having to stop what I was doing to put my hair back up. That being said, guy I used to know with dreads that went down to his waste would tuck his hair in his shirt in the shop.
x2 on the welding cap here, but my hair isn’t down to my waist.
Mine is one of these, and yes they are sexy AF.

Old thread. But I'll add to the ponytail recommendation. Also NEVER use a metal frame creeper with the wheels exposed. The molded plastic HF creepers are effect for long hair people since you hair stays inside.

Tight bun under a performance fabric hat - Usually this one. Two of these heavy-duty hair elastics (start with a ponytail tied tight, then wrap that into a bun and secure with a second elastic) does the trick.