Vigo wrote:
Eh, you cant quite double it on some of them. Stock was 7-11. 14 on stock timing is no problem, 22 almost never works wthout meth injection or timing changes on a stock setup.
The stock intercooled setup that is most comparable to f2t will dyno 220-250whp maxed out depending on how hot the intercooler is. With an upgraded intercooler the stock turbo has dyno'd as high as 269whp that i can remember. But you cant really get past 220-230 whp reliably without better intercooler and less timing to really be safe.
So whats the word on this klze? legit or lie?
Ahhh... 230whp is where we run out of fuel, not due to any other restriction, really. If you crank the pressure somehow you can stretch to 250whp or so. The stock turbo ain't doing that, though. I think i'm right around the 300whp mark right now with MORE timing than stock.
From what Dan texted me, it's a legit KLZE, so he got a steal. 
Nice, so it's a legit 200hp in a +- 2300# car? Sounds like a recipe for fun!
7/24/12 5:57 p.m.
Similar recipe, local flavor:
As much as I wanted to be able to polish the Carbon Fiber Hood, but the UV damage had already yellowed the surface beyond being restored. Instead I'll be prepping it for paint.

Indeed this one is a real KLZE...

7/25/12 7:22 a.m.
KL31 1AL? Gibberish to me but if that's the code than sweet!
KL31 1A1, and the other head should say KL31 101. 
We still don't know for sure if it's a true KLZE until he pops the valve cover and looks for KL31 cams. Could still be a Millenia motor, since they used the KL31 heads, but had KL01 cams. Looks like the car has a Millenia intake manifold. (Common on KLZE MX3s because the KLZE "straight neck" manifold won't fit without relocation the brake master cylinder reservoir, which is something Dan should do if it turns out to have KL31 cams. The VRIS points are set on the KL31/36 ecu for a full straight neck combo, car will run better.)
There's a lot of variations of these motors even released by Mazda themselves that aren't really documented well, so even IF it has KL31 cams, it might not be a legit straight neck KLZE, but it's "close enough" at that point.
If it's a Milly motor it's something like half a point down on compression, and will still move that thing pretty good. 
Sweet find! But please, please, please don't put that hood on your car!! 
I would love to find one of these cars someday, they're sweet. So are the V6 swaps pretty straightforward? For example, finding a V6 MX-3 with blown motor, and a wrecked 626 or Millenia with a good it plug and play? What's involved?
Very curious about this...
I have both, but I'm gonna paint the vented hood, it'll help keep the underhood temperatures down, and weighs about half of the steel one.
sethmeister4 wrote:
Sweet find! But please, please, please don't put that hood on your car!!
I would love to find one of these cars someday, they're sweet. So are the V6 swaps pretty straightforward? For example, finding a V6 MX-3 with blown motor, and a wrecked 626 or Millenia with a good it plug and play? What's involved?
Very curious about this...
It's plug and play, just match the ECU/VAF to the engine you're putting in the car.
In the case of the Millenias, many of them were pretty much KLZEs with a half point lower compression, KL01 cams, and a curved neck intake manifold. I'd just run that on KLZE ECU.
The bonus point with the V6 MX3 is that it should already come with the JE50 vaf. Just buy a real KLZE for under a grand, stuff it in, and track down a KL31/KL36 ECU. Go to town.
Could you just throw in the Millenia motor, air flow meter, and ECU and call it a day? Not as cool as the KLZE, but maybe easier to find all the needed parts?
I have no idea... Ben would be the man to ask on that... I'm all new to the KL I'm curious to see which I like better, the TURBO 4, OR V-6!!!
sethmeister4 wrote:
Could you just throw in the Millenia motor, air flow meter, and ECU and call it a day? Not as cool as the KLZE, but maybe easier to find all the needed parts?
Yep, but additional work required if you want to use one of the MAF engines. (KL47 MAF). The conversion isn't hard.
dansxr2 wrote:
I have no idea... Ben would be the man to ask on that... I'm all new to the KL I'm curious to see which I like better, the TURBO 4, OR V-6!!!
Turbo V6.
That's a stock $75 KLG4 junkyard motor taking some boost.
And then he built a bottom end.
Is this Stock on the GS's Ben?
Pretty darn clean inside!

dansxr2 wrote:
Is this Stock on the GS's Ben?
Looks kinda like it... Is it solid or are there holes punched in the center of it?
Sounds aftermarket. Wonder if it was put there to clear turbo pipes.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
sethmeister4 wrote:
Could you just throw in the Millenia motor, air flow meter, and ECU and call it a day? Not as cool as the KLZE, but maybe easier to find all the needed parts?
Yep, but additional work required if you want to use one of the MAF engines. (KL47 MAF). The conversion isn't hard.
Ok...I assumed the "VAF" you mentioned was the same as a MAF (I'm a Nissan/Infiniti Tech, so I speak "air flow meter")...explain?
7/27/12 11:35 p.m.
The MAF (Mass Air Flow) does the same basically as the VAF your talking about. I'll post a pic of one tomorrow for ya ;-)
VAF measures velocity, MAF measures mass. 
7/30/12 11:39 p.m.
Manual Timing Belt Tensioner to replace the Hydraulic one that has failed. Awaiting a new Timing Belt Kit and Waterpump to arrive.

After the F2T car is back on the road, I'm gonna probably sell the Turbo Probe and get the KLZE MX-3 on the road.
Well my timing belt will be here tomorrow, along with my new waterpump for this beast. Hopefully I'll get it put on sometime this coming week.
I'll be hitting my yards within the next week, so i'll keep an eye out for your parts. 
Can you post a good pic of the entire engine bay?