I spent the day machining a bracket to fit a GM style alternator on my Fiat X19, and it's coming along nicely.
However, tight tolerance between aluminum parts is difficult, and I don't want to rely on being my mount to squeeze the alternator.
Dos anyone know where I can get the little automatic shims you see on LS alternator brackets? Failing somewhere to order them, I guess I can run the a junkyard to obtain a few, but a McMasterCarr link would be wonderful
Bracket in progress, 3d printed prototype, and engine mounting location below

They are just press fit sleeves, if you can make that bracket then it should be in your wheelhouse.
Closing the loop on this, I wound up ordering a flanged bushing from McMaster-Carr:
This let me use drill a 13mm hole in one side of my mount and slip the bearing in with the flange side facing the nut outside of the legs of my mount. Now when I tighten the nut it takes up the slack between the alternator and the back of the mount, letting me get away with a slightly higher tolerance on my machining.
And yes, I could have machined my own, but my lathe isn't tooled up yet, so it would have been a $300+ part instead of a $5 part. Hopefully this helps someone else in the future