1/18/12 7:01 p.m.
Yeah, I said it (says the self-proclaimed LS-lover). LSx-swaps are boring. I think I've seen more LS1 powered FD and FC RX-7's at this point than rotary powered ones. Ditto for 240/260/280Z's, and even classic Camaro/Corvette/Chevelle/Novas. They are boring now.
Anybody else agree?
Yup . . . so are hammers, but every shop have them since they are useful tools that can be had for cheap 
Nope, not me.
Spent this afternoon contemplating an LS-powered XJ6.
I think it's like good pop music. Sure, you know what's going to happen next, but it's satisfying when it does...
bimmer v10s are the next big craze=]
(says the guy who'd like to put a v10 bmw engine into his s30 one day) =]
It sounds boring as I sit here on my couch but I kinda think I'd change my mind stomping on the pedal on an LS powered RX-7.
Well, the original small block found it's way into everything, when did it get boring? Did it stop anyone from continuing to do so? A good idea may become commonplace, but it doesn't mean it's not a good idea.
However, as more and more kits come along to make it easier, quickly overlooking the results is a sure side effect.
1/18/12 7:33 p.m.
I didn't say they aren't the best bang-for-the-buck (because they are), or that they aren't stupid-powerful in a small package (because they are), or even that I don't want one (because I do!), just that they are boring.
Even the LS-swapped 911 in GRM last month was boring. It barely even registered. If I see an LS in a car at a show, I just keep walking right on by. It's just played out. (Also, they look hideous)
I'm bored with them too Javelin. I'd rather see the oddball engines than LS motors.
1/18/12 7:43 p.m.
You guys put the oddball engines in. I'm gonna keep driving my LS-powered Miata and MGB because of how they work. Nobody has ever called those boring after seeing them in person!
That said, I'll probably put a Rover V8 in the Land Rover. Talk about played out.
I like seeing them shoehorned into everything. What I don't like is someone bolstering about it like it also came with them getting a footlong in their pants as well. Okay, cool, great, I'm happy for you, doesn't mean you are Billy Badass.
I have a 96 LT1 for my 75 Vette if that's interesting enough for ya?
In reply to DirtyBird222:
In reply to DirtyBird222:
In reply to Keith:
i didn't really say that i don't think its a bad idea, i'm just bored with the over swappage of them.
New Reader
1/18/12 8:23 p.m.
Right now I'm doing a lsx 454 in a '57 Bel Air and stripping down a Land Rover Defender 90 for the same swap. Totally boring...
later, matt
Javelin wrote:
Yeah, I said it (says the self-proclaimed LS-lover). LSx-swaps are boring. I think I've seen more LS1 powered FD and FC RX-7's at this point than rotary powered ones. Ditto for 240/260/280Z's, and even classic Camaro/Corvette/Chevelle/Novas. They are boring now.
Anybody else agree?
I can dig what you're saying, it's far more interesting to see what can be done with a car's original powerplant.
And, as a rule, Camaro/Corvette/Chevelle/Novas, and most other muscle cars are boring in general, and this is coming from someone who has owned a bunch of them. They've just been rubbed in the ground. If I never see another 69 Camaro it'll be too soon.
I find that every time I think about some oddball swap, I end up concluding that a Gen III Chevrolet makes way more sense, will be easier, and will have better results. The fact that something has an LSx in it isn't exciting in and of itself, but the resulting car often is. So, yeah, everyone's done it, but you can say the same for sex; good things are good.
I would love to do a turbo 20 valve Volvo swap in the 780. But since I can't weld and a manual trans for it is an Europe only item . . . GenIII motor it is . . .
GenIII + JTR + T56 = Drive happy
Edit: I even thought of using a LX9 (GM 60* V6) + turbo with a T-5 . . . that would be different.
1/18/12 9:27 p.m.
Spoken like someone who's never driven one.
Makes our vettes and 911s seem tame and boring.
1/18/12 9:29 p.m.
blasphemy! Ls swaps will never be boring.
says the guy who has one.
since LS swaps are so boring, then be the first on your block to swap a flathead Ford into or Buick straight 8 into an RX7..
I am leaning towards diesel turbos myself
1/18/12 9:54 p.m.
I would love to be bored to death in a 928/944/BMW 3or5/RX-7/anything swapped car.
1/18/12 10:18 p.m.
I want an LSX in my camper (GMC Casa Grande) but I agree something like a 401 Buick nailhead would be cooler.