My custom wire supplier is on indefinite hiatus and I need at least two sets. Both for turbo Volvos. The last set cost $90 so I'm hoping to buy the supplies, make the sets I need, and use the leftovers to make another set or two to offset the tool purchase. I was thinking of getting a universal V8 set and making just what I need but the "kit' prices at Summit seem a bit higher than I remember. I'm looking for the best/cheapest place to buy the crimping tool(s), bulk wire (8 or 8.5mm), ends/boots, heat sleeves, number markers, etc. Also any advice from those who have done this would be great.
I used to just buy the V8 sets and use a cheap Wallyworld electrical crimper. Course this was 30 years ago when I was sans clue.
I made a set for a custom application (wrong head on wrong block....) From used toyota v6 wires and dodge 2.5 ends (all used). I put a lot of work into them and they worked but still bled enough voltage to shock me if I touched them, so take that for what its worth. I have a custom (some one else-s) handmade set on now, funny enough cost $90....
However I made these with needle nose pliers and used wires. Most cheap wire cutter/stripper/crimper tools have the crimp sizes for smaller plug wires (think 5.5-6mm). They used to sell just the crimp dies for larger performance wires that you could use in a vice, but I could only find them with a "make your own" set, not individually. Quality pliers for crimping plug wires are $30+.
Ebay is a great resource for wire parts. I got an accell 8 cyl universal kit for $30. ie. Click
I think if you get quality crimping pliers you will do well, if you use the cheap-o crimpers (these:)it will be hit or miss.
I've done plenty of repairs using cheap crimpers and parts from spare wires I've saved but want to do it right if I'm going to pay for a roll of wire and all the other parts. I'll check eBay.
Any particular wire type to avoid? I know solid core can cause problems with electronics but what else should I know? Has the magazine done an article on this? If not maybe its time!
1/2/11 5:17 p.m.
When I worked for a yacht maintenance company, we always made our own from Accel kits. We'd crimp them with regular wire strippers.
Good crimping pliers will cost as much as one set of wires. Taylor, MSD and Magnecor wire seems to be good, but I dont know if they sell it in bulk. Doesnt magnrcor make wires to fit your car? I have liked all the sets I have had, and they make wires for pretty much anything you can get the right kind of ends for.
Give Kingsborne a call, and see if they can help you out.
MSD sells everything separate and/or in bulk to make custom wires. If you're going to make several sets then it's better to buy bulk wire and end pieces. Their univeral kits come with a little crimping tool but their purpose built cutting/crimping tool is awesome if you're going to make more sets of wires over the years.