Mark your calendars: The 2017 edition of Wear Your Helmet to Work Day will fall on August 18. What is it? Well, it's a holiday we made up for showing off your motorsports pride. As the title of the day suggests, just wear your helmet to work—or show us whatever else you are doing on August 18 in yo…
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Also, a super big shoutout to WFAA-TV anchor Marcus Moore for wearing his helmet (and HANS) at the news desk.

Ha! I've seen this pic a few times...Eric ;)
8/18/17 12:35 a.m.
I suppose it's half the point, but 99% of my office would be so confused...
And there are only maybe 20 people, so there's that to be considered as well.
I'm off work today and flying... I don't think TSA would accept that as an excuse.
I forgot also. Might go home during lunch just to get it.
8/18/17 7:34 a.m.
All I have is a welding helmet. Does that count?
Unless you also ride a motorcycle to work you will be doing a good impersonation of an idiot. It's also "Wear your Pikachu Butt Plug Tail to Work Day" so... have at it.

Huckleberry wrote:
Unless you also ride a motorcycle to work you will be doing a good impersonation of an idiot. It's also "Wear your Pikachu Butt Plug Tail to Work Day" so... have at it.
Umm...I'm not sure what to say to this besides - Please don't post pictures
RossD wrote:
All I have is a welding helmet. Does that count?
No...That day is on Monday. 
8/18/17 10:59 a.m.
When you need protection from angry Service Writers

In reply to syrarch04:
Now that's just showing off, wearing your race gloves on Helmet Day 
I'm really bummed. I forgot that today was Wear Your Helmet to Work Day and by mere coincidence today is the only day this week that I don't just happen to have a helmet with me. I had the race trailer with my gear in it at the office on Monday and rode my motorcycle every other day.
Dangit... Forgot as well. So, I'll just hotlink from the 2014 thread.

I almost didn't have a work day today. I remembered, but the people at this office think I'm enough of a weirdo already, sorry
It'd be pretty generic-looking IT stuff anyway.