9/5/13 12:28 p.m.
I would take the Ferrari. All the modern ferrari's ive been close to were very multi-faceted in the ways they affected or interested me.
I think the McLaren has a little less depth to it. I dont think it's particularly compelling design when it's not laying down a ferrari-beating number in some form of measurement. Im extremely happy that it it exists, but i wouldnt choose it.
In fact, if i got to pick from a range of modern ferraris i wouldnt pick the 458 either, but i like the other ferraris for mostly the same reasons.
9/5/13 12:33 p.m.
McLaren. I have a thing for British cars, despite the best efforts of my Rolls Royce.
McLaren. More usable DD and, hell, everybody seems to have a Ferrari.
The 458 for the sound, I also think it looks "better" somewhat.
Keep in mind that the McLaren is priced at about half of it's true worth, and the Ferrari about double. (One is brand-new, and had millions in development costs that are NOT going to be recouped until the P1 and others are sold for a few years. The other is a development of existing technology that was incrementally added to from one model to the next, and handed down from F1)
It's passion vs precision. Apples to Oranges.
9/5/13 3:01 p.m.
Both are awesome, but I feel like I'm in a McLaren mood today, so would go with it.
9/5/13 3:41 p.m.
lfa for me thanks. I know that wasn't an option but if I'm buying imaginary exotics, I'll choose the one I want.
I yearn for a McLaren, I yawn at the Ferrari.
9/5/13 4:04 p.m.
Why choose one or the other? Start with the Ferrari. Drive the wheels off it and when it burns to the ground replace with McLaren.
Ugh, beat me up, but neither. Engineering seems to have become more important than design and art.
I saw one of those McLarens out in the wild in woodside ca and it is a hell of a nice looking car. Best car I've seen in awhile, stunning.
benzbaronDaryn wrote:
I saw one of those McLarens out in the wild in woodside ca and it is a hell of a nice looking car. Best car I've seen in awhile, stunning.
I have seen just about every Ferrari of recent vintage in or near Woodside. I have not seen a McLaren yet. I will have to keep my eyes open.
On sundays from 4-8pm there is a jam session up at the Pioneer saloon I like to go to, next door is the Village Pub, which is where I saw the big mac. Seriously bitchin.
of those two... I'd prefer the Ferrari....
but given a choice... I'd prefer

7000 Miatas dammit!!!!!!
Otherwise McLaren, the Ferrari would be silly amazing yes but the douche bag factor is not far away from audi owners.
I'd say Ferrari all the way. Not all owners are douchbags. There's just a lot more Ferraris in the world than McLarens. They haven't had time to pad their 'bag levels. With enough volume, you'd see the same thing. Let's face it, it's the same group of buyers anyway.
As the previous owner of multiple Italian cars, I just can't see the McLaren holding the same level "soul". Besides, if it's the better choice according to Clarkston, what else do I need to know. 
The chance of me owning, or driving either, anytime, ever, are slim to none. We do have a McLaren in town, as well as a couple of Lamborghinis and Ferraris, so occasionally I get to see one. So if I go by looks, it's still the 458.
I've been loving the MP4 since I saw the 1st picture,however I got my 1st look at a real one when I guy brought his to run(the bastard also has the targa for his wife)an autox a month or so ago and strangely it didn't move me like I thought it would.I've seen the 458's in person and prefer it now,of course I will never own/or drive either of them so it hardly matters.
I've never driven either but I have sat in both. The McLaren has some of the most comfortable performance seats I've experienced. But that Italian V8 revving to 9k is pure eargasm, so I would say the 458. A friend of mine that has driven both considers the 4-12C to be the best car he has ever driven and I trust his opinion, doesn't mean I would agree though haha.
Of course option C for me would be buying 2 Ferrari 355s ; one spyder and one berlinetta.
Been around both in person. I would take the 458. For some reason the 458 looks better in person. It just does not photo well. I can not explain it.
Ferrari. Not even close. And yes, I've seen them both in the flesh.
nderwater wrote:
Ferrari. Not even close. And yes, I've seen them both in the flesh.
There were one of each in black, side by side at Daytona last year, after fawning over McLaren for 20 minutes, I realized that the other car was a 458.