Anyone with any experience of this Italian brand, Meat & Doria?
I'm debating the need to change the fuel pump on the Mazda 3, unfortunately the version sold here has a different fuel system from the US / most of Europe, and different fuel pump. The only options are random Chinese for $50, Meat&Doria (Italy) for $100, and Mazda (around $500 delivered here). Bosch listed one with a compatible part number, but the family member with my old 3 ordered it, and, well, he had it "adapted" to fit (I really don't want to know).
Precious little info that I can find on the internet about Meat & Doria, some folk saying they are decent, but not much first-hand experience.
Never heard of them but I'd be inclined to trust the Italian company more, having to deal with EU regulations and consequences from buyers in their local market vs. a Chinese company that exports most of their products and answers only to Amazon middleman vendors and AliExpress reviews.
Thanks - just to clarify I wasn't considering the Chinese option, more if it was worth the gamble for the Italian one. They seem to have some ok reviews for other parts, but not much for fuel pumps, all I can find is a few people saying they're very noisy.. Maybe this is one of those times to just pay for the correct (Mazda) part..
If those are the choices, I think I would just ante up for the Mazda part.....
Yeah, I'm thinking you're right, especially as it's a drop-the-tank job not an open-the-access-panel job.