New Reader
4/20/09 8:51 p.m.
MS3 update (Apr 09)
Postby jsmcortina on Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:39 pm
There was a update session at the Megameet this weekend. The videos should be posted soon, but here's a summary.
MS3 is now a plugin card that installs on a Megasquirt mainboard (V3.57, V3.0, V2.2)
It uses a faster CPU than MS2. Dual core.
Has on board high speed SDCARD data logging
Plugin swap for MS2 - no re wiring.
Many more inputs and outputs.
Expansion connectors.
USB link for tuning.
Also announced was the MS3 Expansion board which fits inside the Megasquirt case.
This has drivers for eight injectors,
eight logic coil ouputs
Six relay/valve outputs
Analogue inputs
Switch inputs
Vr input
We installed an MS3 board on a car and it fired right up!
However, we still have lots to do before we are even ready for small scale beta testing.
Pictures to follow.

Pretty cool. Always wanted to play with a MS but never could muster up the nerve to rip out a working EFI system and play with one of those. I did learn a lot about EFI reading the online material.
Finally jumping on the MS2 bandwagon and now this. 
4/21/09 6:42 a.m.
WOW, YAHOO! Finally a reason to upgrade our MS-I proc on our V3 board!!!!
i'm still waiting for the gm crank trigger support and cam timing stuff for the VVT vortec 4200. then i'll start playing with MS. i keep hearing "soon" from someone about it.
Which crank trigger scheme does that motor use? There's been some work with both MS1/e and MS2/e for fully variable VVT control. What system does GM use on/off or fully variable and on how many cams?
New Reader
4/21/09 9:20 a.m.
Oooh, SMT components. Fancy!
Hopefully it'll be ready for production by the time I swap the engine in my AE92 
patgizz wrote:
i'm still waiting for the gm crank trigger support and cam timing stuff for the VVT vortec 4200. then i'll start playing with MS. i keep hearing "soon" from someone about it.
Crank trigger support for the 7X wheel is in the newest MS2/Extra beta and seems to be pretty stable. VVT, not so much yet...
Making some progress on open loop vvt and position logging, closed loop is a long way off though.
I just checked for info on the 4200 it uses only a variable exhaust cam. In the grand scheme of things there's very little 'power' to be made by playing with it (versus intake) it's mostly for emissions. On the VW's we go so far as to not even bother hooking it up.
New Reader
4/21/09 11:21 a.m.
oh this is not good, so tempting to do a huge MS project on the LS1.
4/21/09 1:07 p.m.
USB...finally! It's needed sooo bad. I use my nearly-a-decade-old laptop to do MS tuning with because I don't need to use any adapters (that don't work) to USB.
Full COP support will be nice. Sounds like enough drivers becoming available to control a modern V8, maybe even with DOD and/or VVT with a bit more software work. Cool!
I'll be getting one of these. I see more computing power available to run an S54....
4/21/09 2:13 p.m.
It is just starting beta testing; it could be a while before it goes on the market.
4/21/09 2:20 p.m.
Oh, I skipped over the data logging, that is another nice feature. Even if it's just starting beta testing, it's positive forward progress. As with any open source project, it only moves as fast as the volunteers.
For an S54 I think the only thing that's not currently possible is closed loop pwm controlled VVT... everything else is supported even with MS1/extra.
New Reader
4/21/09 2:48 p.m.
Onboard SDcard datalogging makes me want
4/21/09 4:15 p.m.
Anyone notice that megasquirt and DIY autotune had a real nice write-up in the SCCA magazine this month? I'll bet the other standalones are pissed!
Cool, the longer I procrastinate the better it gets!
I tried that for a few years had a V1.1, 2.2 and several v3 boards before I got fed up and bought a 3.57 for myself and just put the darned thing in. They just kept getting stolen for other projects.. never mine!
4/23/09 8:02 p.m.
The MS2 boards will be upgradeable to MS3 so there is no need to wait and get it all at once.
Per muythaibxr - the MS3 v1.0 should be available this summer, and MS3 v2.0 should follow 3-6 months after v1.0
Hurm, so looks like this next build will be based on a MS2.
Variable cam timing is what I'm after in the long run though.... I wonder if I can hold off and just buy right into MS3.